[10] Project Investigation

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" Alright, relax. It's Amanda. What harm can she do? " Anna throws her positive comments around, as the rest of us look at her disapprovingly. Anna, Alexa, France and I were all sitting cross legged on France's bed. It was exactly three o'clock in the morning, and we remained in silence as we stared at the basket, the envelope, and the note.

" Okay, so, the note is clearly directed to France. It reads - " I grab the note, and search for the specific line. " Aha. It reads ' The flu isn't the only reason why you're sick, my dearest France ' which is very offensive, I'm sorry France " I cautioned , looking at France, but she shrugs it off. She was the most creeped out by the note, obviously. Her hands were trembling, and she seemed to be avoiding looking at that note again.

" And then it reads ' Best friends with the enemy' " I stop reading abruptly , looking down so no one realizes that my heart was beating wildly and I was frantic with fear.

" To Amanda, there are lots of enemies. France, have you been hanging out a lot with someone Amanda hates? " Anna asks raising her eyebrows.

France and I turn to each other, and then burst in laughter. The tension suddenly left the room, as the two of us fought to breathe through fits of laughter. We both stared at Anna. She still didn't get it. This girl has her clueless-blonde moments.

" Anna! Are you an idiot? Amanda hates Jules. Jules and I have been hanging out every second of every day the entire week. We must've aggravated Amanda " France speculated , shooting amused glances at me. I wink at her in recognition, chuckling. We've aggravated Amanda, we're winning the war.

" But, why would Amanda be aggravated if you two hung out? " Anna asks, looking from Alexa to France to me, searching for answers in our eyes.

" Because France was once in the Amanda- clique , that's why. And every person that's in the Amanda clique knows too much " Alexa divulged, speaking for the first time since she got here. She seemed aggravated as well, but why, I didn't know. She kept peeking glances at France, a dark expression dawning on her face.

" It speaks! " Anna cheered, and we all chuckle. Alexa only looks away, an unknown emotion flashing in her eyes.

" Anyway, it's just a note. Now that you know what it means, you don't need my help. It's late and I'm heading home. I'll see you guys tomorrow " Alexa asserts, collecting her things.

" Alexa? Is something wrong? " France worriedly asks, standing up.

" No. I'm fine. Thank you " Alexa forces a smile, and shuts the door behind her. The three of us sat in silence, listening to Alexa's car roaring to life, and then the sound was gone.

We stared at one another for a while.


The rain was pouring down, making harsh sounds as it tapped against the window. Winter is coming, the thought made me giddy on the inside, winter was my favorite season. There was something very intriguing about the snow, the cold weather. I always thought winter held the most secrets out of all the seasons.

" Julie? Are you hearing this? " Anna's annoyed whisper broke my reverie, when she gave my shoulder a nudge.

" This project is very important for kids your age. You will make it your priority to complete it perfectly and take in consideration that it will affect your grades more than anything you do this semester " Mr. Derwin , our English teacher spoke with authority on the subject .

" I have already chosen your partners wisely and fairly " in any other class, you would hear shouts of protest, maybe gasps and chattering, but not in Mr. Derwin's English class. Nobody dared to move a muscle, only keep a straight face and nod. He walks towards his desk and fishes out a folder from his suitcase in calculated movements. He then adjusts his glasses and starts reading the names of the partners. I was secretly hoping it wouldn't be Anna, I was lazy and she wasn't the brightest.

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