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Bree felt like control of her life was slipping away again before she truly had the chance to grasp it. The afternoon before she had contacted her parents and heard that Blade had tried to ring them.
She then rang her cousin whose house she had been headed to and let her know that they would be a few more days. It had been embarrassing to admit to her family that after 5 years of marriage and two children that she was only now meeting Blades family. She felt like her and her boys were a Blades dirty secret, something to be ashamed of.

Surprisingly despite being kidnapped, she had enjoyed the last few days. These people were like a huge family wrapped up in there own little piece of their world. Her mother had been concerned when Bree had described the commune like lifestyle that the Brennan family lived so she has thought it best to leave out how she had arrived. Apart from that first morning, Bree and the boys had been treated like part of the family. It left her feeling bitter towards Blade and the almost solitary existence she had endured for the past 2 years.

Lost in her thoughts she barely noticed someone's weight dip the couch cushion next to her, til little shocks tickled the outside of her thigh. "Oh hey Thorn" she greeted "Sorry I was miles away".

"Good morning" he replied passing her a coffee. "Where are the boys?"

"They're with with your Mum. I think she is trying to make up for lost time."

"She loves them. She's wanted grandkids for a long time." He replied.  "Speaking of the boys, would you mind if they stayed in her cabin tonight? I need to speak to you alone and I would prefer that we don't have any distractions"

"Umm okay I guess. Is everything okay?" She replied hoping that she hadn't done something wrong by accident. "We can talk now if you want?"

"I would love nothing more then to spend time with you right now" he said running the back of his hand over her her cheek. "Unfortunately I have business I have to see to in town. I'll see you tonight" he gave her a quick kiss on her forehead, jumped up and left.

Holy shit! Bree thought shocked at how her arousal had exploded from a simple touch. It must be because he looks so much like Blade, she justified, ignoring the little internal voice reminding her she had never reacted like that to Blade. She quickly got up and went to find Mary and the boys, needing the distraction.


"Alpha" Damien greeted as Thorn entered the Mechanic's workshop, one of the pack owned businesses in town. " I put him upstairs in the office like you requested".

"Thank you Damien" Thorn replied. "Are the other rooms set up?"

"Yeah, they both have been cleaned up and beds bought in".

"Are you sure you want to stay here with him?" Thorn asked. "I know how much it hurt you when he left". Thorn queried. Damien had been Blades best friend growing up and had been even more upset as Thorn when Blade had denounced the pack.

" I'm okay Alpha, Shell thinks it might help me get closure, whatever that is" he replied referring to his turned mate.

Thorn grinned at his pack mate, "I think she might be watching to much Dr Phil" he joked as he headed up the stairs.

He entered the office and saw Blade sitting with his head in his hands.
"Its been along time brother wolf" he greeted acknowledging the bond of their wolves. "My wolf missed yours."

"We missed you too" Blade responded in kind.

"You want to tell me what's going on? I mean you denounced the pack and disappear. Nothing for 7 years. You didn't even ring Ma. Then out of nowhere you join the Armstrong pack and ring us saying your in trouble. You should have been leading by my side but now your what? A beta at best".

"Noteven, just an unranked pack mate" Blade replied with a sigh. "But I needed help and they were there".

"So why aren't you going for help there?" Thorn demanded.

"Because I fucked up bad brother. Really really bad".

"What happened" Thorn asked wearily

"When I left I thought I could make it in the human world. I gotta job, got married, had a kid. All the things that are supposed to matter. But my wolf wasn't happy. So I started going out, getting drunk with guys some nights, chasing tail others and a few times just spending days in wolf form. I nearly lost my wife, so I cleaned up, and things were okay for a bit. Then she fell pregnant again and I lost my job. She wanted to stay home with the kids and I was worried how they would go surrounded by humans all the time. So I went to the Armstrongs. They didn't like that Bree wasn't turned but they gave me a job and eventually  a place in the pack. I was so happy to be back with our kind. I didn't really think about anything else. Bree doesn't know what I am or about the pack. But Alpha Eddie made me bring her to events and a month ago ordered me to come clean and move her and the kids in. I started bringing her to pack events and such. Then last week it was one of the betas birthdays. We were partying pretty hard. I went for a run with a female and then well one thing led to another and Bree saw us together. We fought and she went home. I thought if I gave her some space she would cool off, but when I went back she was gone. I need to find her".

"Is she your mate?" Thorn demanded

"No, but that doesn't mean I don't care about her or the kids".

"Yeah chasing tail and screwing the she wolf. Sounds like it" Thorn replied bitterly.

"Look Thorn I told you I fucked up. I know I shouldn't have married her or had the kids. But its not like I can just walk away. I don't want my kids hitting puberty, changing and not knowing how to control their wolves impulses. And Bree's a good girl. I wish she was my mate. I wish I could love her the way she wants me to. But I don't and I realised that too late for us both. I need her and the kids back brother. Will you help me find her?"

"I need to think. You'll be staying here with Damien for now."

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