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The next few weeks passed quickly as Bree adjusted to sharing her mind with her wolf and beginning to intergrate the two halves together.
She was adjusting to her increased senses but had found normal everyday things like changing a dirty diaper overwhelming. This had pushed her to start toilet training Elijah and half her day was spent chasing him around asking if he needed to go. The other half was spent with various pack members learning how to use her new gifts to their fullest extent.
Her nights were filled with Thorn and the passion that exploded between them at the lightest brush.

Exhausted after a long day of speed and agility training, Bree sat outside waiting for Thorn to finish with pack business. Her wolf was restless and seemed happier outside then in the busy pack house. Despite her tiredness, Bree felt the need to chase the illusive scents the teased her in the breeze. She got up almost unaware of her own movement as the wolf took greater control. As she left the brightly lit yard and headed into the dark bush land her clothes felt restrictive and uncomfortable. She kicked off her shoes and curled her toes in the scruffy native grass. Her senses reached out into the surrounding area. She was blissfully alone in the night and safe to rid herself of the annoying clothes.
Naked now, she continued forward completely enchanted by the nights call to her wolf. Reaching a rocky outcrop she she combed onto the biggest boulder relaxing on its almost smooth surface. Her wolf pushed forward in her mind and she felt her body begin to morph. Her wolf protected her from the pain as her bones reshaped and ligaments a muscles changed. She felt her face elongate and fur explode out from her pores. The shift was completed in minutes and then her wolf stood and sent a gleefull howl into the night.


Thorn was on his last phone call for the night when his wolf heard his mates call. He quickly said his goodbye and looked across to Mick.
"Go, I'll finish up here and send the word out to be scarce tonight. Although everyone's probably already figured that out" Mick commented with a chuckle.

Knowing his Beta could hold the fort, Thorn ran from the room and out the nearest door. He stripped as he ran leaving a trail of clothes behind him.
"Don't worry I'll get them" he heard his mother call out from somewhere behind him as he started to shift.

With in seconds he picked up Bree's scent trail. He found her pile of clothes and noticed the scent of her wolf getting stronger along her path. As he approached the rocky outcrop he heard a soft rustle behind him before a weight slammed on to his back. Bree in wolf form nipped his ear in challenge before bolting away back into the bushland.


Upwind of the pack house Bree could smell the minute her mate left the house. She headed back towards the rocks and crouched down low in the shrubs. As he came into view she pounced, landing on his back. She nipped his ear. She bolted off knowing he would chase her and that she would need the head start.
After a few minutes she slowed sending her awareness out further. Unable to find him she reached on their mental thread.
No cheating he sent to her mind with a sense of masculine smugness.
She took of again only to be knocked over by his big wolf body hitting into her side.
His wolf was bigger and bulky with muscle. Knowing she didn't have a chance she dropped in submission to her mate, her Alpha.


Thorn looked up at the cloudy sky. Bree slept on top of him, protected from the hard ground. She was exhausted from her shift. And mating  his wolf added. They had mated as wolves and made love again in human form after he had helped her shift back.
Bree's wolf was young and impatient, he should of guessed that she wouldn't wait for him to join her.

He shifted Bree's legs to his hips and sat up and turned her sideways across his lap so he could get up and carry her.

As he started walking back towards the pack house, his heart was filled with joy. He loved his ready made family so much he no longer felt any bitterness towards his twin. Bree and the boys meant everything to him. He was determined to be a great father to them and the little presence he could already feel snuggled deep inside his mate.

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