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Are you alone? Thorn asked his mother over their private link.
Yes son. Bree took the boys back to the house for a nap. Mary replied.  Okay I am headed to your cabin now.

Thorn entered his mother's two bedroom cabin. She had moved out of  the pack house following his father's funeral, stating that she needed her own space away from memories.

"Blade is at the garage. I went and spoke to him this morning". He informed her.

"I know" she replied "How did it go?"

Thorn told her everything Blade had said not sparing her from any of the details.

"Well then, atleast he won't fight for her once he knows Bree is your mate. When are you going to tell him?" She asked.

"Not until he has stewed on it for awhile. That's the least he deserves after what he has done to her. I'll be lucky if she'll ever consider accepting me as her mate after the way he has treated her".

"Atleast you know she finds you attractive, she did marry your twin" Mary joked.

"Thats not funny Ma. I hate knowing they have been together".

"Its not like you are a virgin either Thorn. There is no bond stronger then a mate bond. It makes anything else you've felt seem insignificant I promise".


Bree brushed her out, then put it back up again. She was wearing her only pair of jeans and a black fitted long sleeve top.

"Urgghhh what's wrong with you?" She asked her mirrored reflection. "Your having a talk not going on a date!".

The house was unusually quiet and she knew most of the people who hung around in the evening had been called away and would be back later.

She glanced at the clock, it was almost  9pm, the time Thorn requested her to meet him at the fire pit in a note delivered earlier. Giving up on her appearance she decided it was time head out of the house.

After a 10 minute walk she reached the fire pit. The flames were already blazing but Thorn was nowhere in sight. Assuming he must have gone to get something, Bree made herself comfortable on the picnic blanket that was already spread out.

She heard a rustle in the shrubs behind her and turned. She found herself staring into bright gold canine eyes, almost nose to nose with a long black muzzle. "Wow" she whispered. "Your a big puppy aren't you". She knew from having pets growing up that this was no normal dog. It was much bigger with long thick grey fur and massive paws. She remembered reading some where to use submissive posture and stay very still if facing a wild dog. She immediately lowered her head and kept her gaze on the ground hoping it wouldn't find her a threat. She felt it move closer and shivered as it began to nuzzle into her, it's tongue occasionally flicking against her skin, tasting her scent. She shuddered as it nipped at her bun and licked across the back of her neck. Satisfied with its inspection of her, it stepped away and lay down next to her on the rug. Bree was frozen her fear keeping her in place. From the corner of her eye she saw the its shape start to distort, turning her head quickly she stared in horrified fascination as bones popped, limbs changed shape and fur retracted. In a the matter of a few minutes the wolf had morphed into a man. Lifting his head and turning towards her, Bree scooted back recognising his face.
"Thorn?" She whispered as her world turned black.

"Well that went fairly well" Mike commented as he stepped out from his hiding place and threw Thorn a pair of shorts. "I didn't even scent much fear til you shifted".

Our mate is brave added his wolf with pride.


Bree woke up slowly, warmed by the body behind her, comforted by the arm that held her close. "Mmmmmm" she moaned softly snuggling further back. She opened her eyes and found herself in a strange room. The memory of Thorn naked next to her flashed back in her head after she looked at the bare arm which rested across her stomach. And then him changing from the wolf.

"It wasn't a dream was it? She asked softly

"No it wasn't" came the equally quiet reply

"How...?" She asked unable to fully form the question.

"I was born like this" came the hesitant reply.

"So, Blade?"


"Your mum?"

"Yes everybody here is part of the pack except you"

She quietly considered his words for a minute. "My boys?"

"The wolf gene is dominant" he confirmed

"Oh." She replied unable to form any other words.

" Under certain circumstances we can pass the genetics on to a human but we don't just run around biting people and changing them" he softly told her "And we don't need a full moon to change, although it our wolves do get restless if don't."

"I guess that explains a few things" she commented thinking of her boys behaviour.

They slipped into silence again. Thorn   trying to give her time to comprehend what he had revealed.

Gently he rolled over on to her stomach and began massaging the tension from her shoulders.

"When the moon goddess first created my ancestors she only made males. The first wolves aged slowly and watched to generations of humans fall in love and have children. The wolves begged her to make she wolfs but the moon goddess didn't have enough magic left. So instead she used up the last of her magic to ensure that once a wolf found there soul mate in a human woman he could bite her in wolf form and change her and make her wolf."

"Thats a beautiful story" Bree sighed
"Is it true?"

"Its hard to know. It's story passed on from generation to generation. It was told long before there was writing or modern science. But I do believe in Mates, I have seen too many join together not to. One of our pack found his mate was human and changed her so I know it's possible. He replied honestly.

"That means I wasn't Blades mate doesn't it" Bree realised.

"I am sorry Bree" Thorn stated softly, feeling terrible for adding to her heartbreak.

"I think I need to be alone" she told him. She got up and went to leave the room. Hesitating at the door she added "Thank you for telling me the truth".

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