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Bree sighed as shown looked up at the full moon. She wasn't sure whether she should be relieved or annoyed that she wouldn't be turned this month. Thorn and Andrew had left this morning for a Council meeting.

The pack children were all having a sleepover over in the communal lounge room. Normally parents would take turns watching over them while the others got to run with the pack, but since she couldn't shift she had volunteered. The kids had fallen asleep watching a movie, so Bree had grabbed a coffee and come out to the deck, leaving the door open so she could hear if someone needed her.

"Hey Bree"
Bree was startled by a top less Blade. She knew he had been released from confinement a few days ago, but she hadn't seen him.

"You're not supposed to come near me". She stated.

"I just want to talk Bree. I am leaving tomorrow when Uncle Andrew gets  back" he replied.

"I don't know if there's anything to say unless your wanting visitation with the boys?" Bree questioned.

"I think it's better if I don't. They've always been yours Bree. You know that. And Thorn will be a great Dad. He was always better at being responsible then me. You know we are identical twins right?"

"Yeah its kind of hard to miss" she replied with a laugh

"Well genetically they are his sons too. So you know, I kind of did him a favour by letting him skip the whole sleepless nights thing" he said with wink.

"You're an idiot"

"I know" he agreed. "I've been an idiot for a long time. I did love you Bree, I still do. And I am sorry that I hurt you so bad. Finding out about Thorn being your mate, we'll it kind of gave me a taste of my own medicine."

"Yeah it hurt. Alot. But you know, finding out about all this was worse. Specially because of the boys. Were you going to ask them to lie to me too?"

"I'm an idiot remember? And a coward. I was going to turn you before then Bree. But I just kept putting it off. I thought you'd leave to find your mate."

"I don't understand why that would concern you Blade. Despite what you say people in love don't cheat".

"Your probably right. You've always been smarter then me" he said sadly.
He turned around and dropped his shorts and began shifting infront of her eyes.
In wolf form he approached her. He nuzzled into her lap. Unable to stop herself, ran her hands through his thick fur. She closed her eyes enjoying the sensation until a a searing pain erupted in her thigh. A scream ripped out from her throat as she opened her eyes and saw Blades canine jaws imbedded in her flesh, then the world went black.

Blade released Brees leg and licked the wound. He threw his head back and howled, calling the Wolfpack home.


Mick ran up to Thorn with a frantic look on his face as he exited the meeting room with his fellow Alphas.
"Alpha we need to leave now"
"What's wrong?" Thorn asked fearing on the pups had been hurt.
"The Luna was bitten, she is turning".

"Take my chopper" Alpha Torrent offered "It will get you there quickly." Thorn quickly accepted and thanked him for his offer. With in ten minutes he, Andrew and Mick were in the air headed back.

"Who did it" Thorn growled, almost more wolf then man.

"It was Blade".

The rest of the flight was steeped in uncomfortable silence as Thorn simmered and raged. Neither Mick or his Uncle dared to startle Thorn with his wolf so clearly in a rage.

Mick quietly swore as his phone beeped with an incoming message. The message was from Alpha Andrew who looked at him with a pointed stare.

'Take him straight to Bree when we land. The sight of his mate should calm him. I'll grab Blade and leave straight away. Otherwise blood will spill tonight.'

He looked up and nodded at the Alpha. While he understood the man's motivations he felt like his Alpha had every right to draw some blood from his brother.

As the helicopter set down in the back paddock 2 hours later, Thorn jumped out and started stripping as he ran. He shifted while still in motion and as his wolf quickly bolted through the acres back to the pack house.

He followed the scent of his mate through the house finding her laying on their bed with a light sheet covering her. Her body was dripping with sweat as her body shivered violently. "Thank Goddess your here.  Quickly lay next her. Don't shift. Her emerging wolf needs the comfort of her mate" his mother instructed walking out of the ensuite with a bowl of cool water and some washers.
He climbed onto the bed. Sniffing, linking the droplets of sweat running down her skin.
"Her temperature spiked almost immediately. I spoke to Dr Evans. He is flying in tonight. Actually he should be here soon." His mother informed him.  He layed by her side on wolf form. Both he and his wolf at a loss of what to. Bree was showing advanced stages of the turning process.

An hour later the doctor arrived. He was one of only 3 wolf doctors in the country. After examining her and hooking her to an IV of fluids including some pain relief, he went outside to make some calls.

Thorn quickly shifted and threw on some clothes. He lifted Bree into his arms so while Annie and Marry quickly changed the sweat soaked bedding. The doctor returned to the room just have they had settled her back in bed.

"I spoke to a doctor friend of mine in Germany. His family is full of doctors and healers in its history and holds the most extensive records of our race. Thankfully he is in the process of converting the records to digital for the good of all of us world wide." He explained. "On what's been converted so far he found two cases that were similar to Bree. Both women had already born a pup before they were turned. Neither were quite as accelerated as Bree either, but they had both only had one. I can't say for sure as it just hasn't occured often enough to be certain, but we are pretty sure that bearing a wolf pregnancy must already partially change the physiology of the mother. And being that Bree has born carried twice, that this changed her further."

"My father told us growing up that the only time you can get a human pregnant is if they are a wolf mate" Thorn added.

"Yes that is true. But most pre-turning pregnancies fail unless the mother is turned straight away. This case seems very unique. With your permission Alpha I'd would like to document it in the the archives I was telling you about".

"Thats fine Dr Evans" Thorn permitted.

The conversation was halted as Bree began to thrash around on the bed. "Alpha please shift again. The she wolf will be comforted by her mate".

Thorn quickly shifted and jumped on the bed. His wolf had to dodge some thrown arms before he managed to pin her under his front paws.

"Try to establish a link with her. Focus on your feeling and you should be able to feel the link begin to form" the doctor instructed

Thorn concentrated his thoughts on her, trying to connect with her emerging wolf. He felt a trace of her before she slipped away again. Patiently he sent feelings of affection and warmth. He felt her tentative mental brushes against him with relief. Both he and his wolf flooded the link with love hoping that it reached Bree as well as her wolf. They continued this over the next few hours and the link began to solidify and increase in strength. Thorn began to talk. He spoke of the pack, of his dreams, of his joy in finding her.
He felt her trying to communicate back. A feeling of anxiety, of wanting.
What do you need my love? He sent back. An image of Harry and Elijah formed in his head. They are fine my love. They are down stairs with the other pups. Remember the sleep over? Shelly and Damien are with them. He felt her relief and then her fatigue. Sleep my love. I'll be here with you.

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