Political games

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Bree was sprawled on the lounge with a sleeping Elijah on her chest lazily picking at some cut fruit while watching Thorn teaching Harry how to play Mario Kart. They were in the private lounge room of the Alpha suite. They were enjoying a quiet morning after the excitement of the party the night before. When they had finally retired Bree had found all her stuff moved into Thorn's room and twin beds for the boys set up in another room off the lounge room. Bree had been so tired she hadn't even thought to question it.

They had been awakened by the boys jumping on the bed. She had been alarmed by the boys seeing them together like that. But Thorn had acted like everything was normal and the boys followed suit.

Bree felt emotional whiplash. So much had happened in such a short time. And she had been mated and welcomed into a huge family. Mated! A stronger bond then marriage. I am married to one twin and mated to the other! She thought with rising panic.

Thorn sniffed the air as the scent of his mates emotional distress filled the room. "Do you want me to put Eli in bed" he asked.

"Yeah okay" Bree responded trying calm herself down. "Thanks".

"Are you okay Bree?" He asked as he lifted Elijah.

"Yeah I'm fine" she lied.

"My Uncle, Alpha Sutherland will be arriving in a few hours. He will be here for a few days. I am probably going to be fairly busy while he is here. I'd like you to be with me when he arrives".


Bree stood next to Mary as Thorn formally greeted his Uncle. "Don't worry sweety. It's just my brother". Mary assured her quietly.

"Uncle this is my mate Bree" Thorn introduced.

"Congratulations on your mating" his Uncle beamed. "The moon goddess has good taste" he added giving Bree a wink".

"Oh quit it you old flirt" Mary laughed. "Welcome brother, I hope your pack is healthy and prosperous"

"Always sister, just like you left it"

After some more small talk, the Alphas retired into Thorn's office.
"Has Blade been interrogated yet?" Andrew asked.
"No I thought it might be better if you did. I think I am to emtionally compromised to do it if it gets taken before the council." Thorn admitted.
"Good point. I think it would be best if my Beta handles it" Andrew replied "He has been briefed and joined my pack after your brother left."

"I'll have Mick escort him" he turned to Mick, "Make sure the recording is going then join us back here."

"I think you need to turn Bree as quickly as possible" Andrew advised as the door shut.

"I was hopping to give her more time to adjust, she's already had alot to deal with"

"Her wolf will help her cope Thorn. I have a bad feeling about where this is heading. We've been lucky here in Australia as there is few packs and plenty of land. But Armstrong has been pushing at the council. Trying to manipulate rifts. Your are going to need your Luna at her peak".

"Why haven't I been aware of this Uncle?"

"Because the council has only met twice since your fathers death. Armstrong hasn't got a feel for you yet. The rest of us are watching carefully. I spoke to Feltham and Jennings on my way here. We feel like accepting your brother into his pack maybe the first step. That he is finally going to show his hand."

"Huh. I had Mick contact the Alpha of his own pack. They were in the same region as Armstrongs father before they migrated. I am hoping they might be able to give some insight."

"Good any information is handy at this point."

Before long Mick entered the office.
"What did your former Alpha say?" Thorn asked him.

"He remembers Armstrong Snr. Apparantly he was encouraged to migrate by the American Council. He and a small group of Alphas tried to create a voting block and had spies with in other packs. He was trying to destabilize the council and take leadership".

"Our council is much smaller and doesn't have leaders" Thorn commented. "So he must have other motivations."

"Don't be so sure Thorn. Our council has grown from 5 to 11 packs in the last 50 years. Before your father died there had been some discussion on formalizing the council. It was voted as unnecessary as this point in time. Thinking back it was the Victorian pacts who tabled the discussion. I'd bet my left hand that Armstrong was the one to introduce the idea".

"So after failing with the established council back home, they are trying to infiltrate the growing council here?" Mick asked.

"That would be my guess" Andrew confirmed. "What's interesting though is a pack known for being very traditional welcomed a rogue Alpha. The same rogue Alpha who had been presented to the Council as my expected heir".

"WHAT? What do you mean heir?" Thorn exclaimed

"Thorn twin Alphas are rare, but not unheard of. Very rarely can they work together. The fact your brother ran off is proof of that. Your father and I, we promised your mother not to seperate you two til you came into full Alpha maturation at 21. Obviously we waited to long as Blade ran off when you were 20. My mate was dying when I met her, her body was just too weak to survive her turning. When Mary found out you were twins a few years later, it felt like the moon goddess had intervened. Two Alpha males of my bloodline, one to lead each pack."

"And now?"

"Your brother has alot of growing up to do. Now we have found him again. I plan on giving him a chance."

"But he joined the Armstrong pack!" Thorn protested.

"Armstrong hasn't listed him with the Council Thorn. I have.


Bree sat on a bench watching Harry and Elijah play with some of the other pack children.

"What are they doing?" Bree asked Shelly who was sitting alongside her.
"Even at this age, their senses are much stronger then a humans. We hide food around the garden and when they sniff it all out they share it for afternoon tea".

"I guess that's why they kept on finding my chocolate stash at home. I mean my old home" Bree commented.

"Oh Luna, this must be so hard to take in. I mean atleast I had heard the rumours in town. I had just broken up with my fiance too you know".

"What was it like? Your turning? What's it like being...well you know?"

"A werewolf?" Shelly supplied


Well, the turning was a bit of a blur to be honest. We sat out in the moonlight had a picnic. I was a bit tipsy and we fooled around. I remember feeling the sting of his teeth but thats about it. I woke up a couple of days later."

"So it didn't hurt?"

"If it did I don't remember. I just woke up, my senses enhanced and my wolf in my head."

"What is like shifting?"

"It hurts the first couple of times but not as badly as you would think. And your still there and aware, but it's kind of the opposite. Your the human inside the wolf's head".


"This doesn't tell us anything!" Thorn sighed.
"No but it's suspicious enough that it will raise questions on the rest of the Alphas. I will submit it to the Council under a pack violation for poaching pack members". Andrew replied.

Blade made a copy of the video and passed it to his Uncle.

"Are you ready to inform him of his future?"

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