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Put my hands together to pray
Hoping that tomorrow I'll laugh more, for me
It'll be better, for me
When this song ends
May a new song begin
Hoping that I'll be a little happier, yeah

-00:00(Zero O'Clock),BTS


Taehyung PoV🐯

Taehyung-ah you have to be strong and be nice to him.Don't lose you fucking temper yet Kim Taehyung.Remember about what Eomma said.

I said and comfort myself.I take a deep breath and start to cook.I make a jjangmyeon,steam meat and a dumpling.But when i want to cut the meat but suddenly i cut myself.

TH:Ah shit!-

I then heard a foot step and walk toward me

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I then heard a foot step and walk toward me.I hide my cut finger at my back.It was my Daddy.I curse again and put an akward smile on my face.

JK:Baby are you okay??*worry*

He look at me with his worried face.

TH:Ah nae i'm okay.*smile back*

But he saw my blood dripping.He look at me and sigh.He grab my wrist and put my finger on his lips.He kiss it and look at me again.

JK:You are such a bad liar Kim Taehyung.*sigh*This will be hurt a bit but trust me.

I really do like he request.He then suck my cut finger and i gasped in pain.I tried to pull back but his grip is much more tight.I then said

TH:J-Jungkook-ah it hu-hurt so much!!*bite his lips*

He stop suck my finger and look at me.

JK:It will be okay Tae baby.Trust me.*cold expression*

Then he suck back and i just hold the pain even though it was really hurt as hell.I groan and curse.I feel like im being over dramatic but fuck it.it does hurt so bad!

TH:Oh Fuck!!*growl*

(A/n:Taehyung is innocent but like what I said he know a few words)

He take the first aid kit and open the kit and take a cute plaster that i like elephant pic.I thank him.

TH:Thanks daddy!!*jumped in tiny*

I hug him and kiss his cheek.I pull the kiss and ran away to my room.I lock the door and look at my finger that get bandages by him.

What the hell did you do Taehyung!!Ouh Damn It was embrassing!!Fuck fuck fuck!!!!!

Jungkook PoV🐰

I wear my cloth that Taehyung gave me and it was a casual style.Then I heard he screaming.

T:Ah shit!-

I quickly ran down and asked him why.

JK:Baby are you okay??*worried*

TH:Ah Nae Im Okay...*smile akwardly*

I look at the floor and the blood is dripping.I grab his wrist and look at it.Damn a deep cut that remind me of some bastard.I them put his finger infront of my lips and kiss it.

JK:You are such a bad liar Kim Taehyung.*sigh*This will be hurt a bit but trust me.

I grab his wrist and look at the wound on his finger.I slowly leaned to his cut and suck the blood harder.He scream...

TH:J-Jungkook-ah it hu-hurt so much!!*bite his lips*

The way he called my name made me miss him even more.I did want to tell him who I was but if I tell him this might be the end of the both of us and I will never let it happen.

I stop and look at him

JK:JK:It will be okay Tae baby.Trust me.*cold expression*

I suck the wound back and he cursing.

TH:Oh Fuck!!*growl*

After that i grab first aid kit and grab the cute plaster with elephant pic and he thank me.

TH:Thanks daddy!*jump in tiny*

He hug and kiss my cheek.Then he ran away.I just chuckle at his cute sudden act.The flashback come again in my mind.His cute boxy smile.

What will happen to us Tae??I want you to remember me.I want to hug you,cuddle you,kiss you and even love you but I just can't.

It's for your safety Tae.Baekhyun will not like me if something bad happen to you.And I will never forgive myself for what I do.I will try my best to break this curse of mine.

I miss you Tae.I want you Tae.Let me love you Tae.Just you.I want only you.

I grab my family picture behind the cushion pillow and stare at my mom.I wish she will be with me here.Then I look at my so called brother and father.

I hate you and I will never regret killing you father!You will be next hyung.I will keep myself in grudge until you die in my own hand hyung.

I make the both of you suffer in hell!I make sure of that.You will never live in peace brother.I will take everything you own.My company will turn you down.

I smile creepily and then the frame glass broke.I look at the pucture and imagine myself stabbing my brother multiple times.I keep imagine that.

Fuck you and fuck that abusive asshole fathher of yours.I will make you pain kittle by little.Wait for it and be patient.You will end up on your knees

So how was that pub was it horrible and I know it was fucking short...Btw stay tuned..

#Kim TaeHui
All right reseved

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