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Wishing on the star

-Wishing on the star,BTS


Taehyung PoV🐯

It's almost two years Im marrying Jungkook and all of us happy with each other.I hope you are also happy Eomma and Appa!I love you so much!

I then heard a thud sound.I look over my little son,TaeKook,Junghyun and Jungtae.This is my triplets little baby.Taekook trip and start to cry and calling for me.


TH:Baby come here let eomma look at your cuts.*pick Taekook up*

Suddenly Jungkook back from his work.He come to me and peck my lips and forehead before pick the other two.I smile when they play with Jungkook.

I look at Taekook and clean his wound before I put his band aid.I kiss his forehead and ask him to play with his hyung.Jungkook come to me and put his head on my lap.

TH:Koo Koo are you okay??*play with Jungkook hair*

JK:Im fine just a little bit tired from the works I've recieve for the new upcoming project.*sigh*

TH:Koo you should rest.You can't work 24/7.You're human Koo I mean even though we are not fully human still we need to rest.

JK:I know baby.I will take my leave for a month I guess.I will leave my works for awhile.

TH:It's okay.I will help you when I go to your office okay.*smile*

JK:Baby but still need to study and you need to take care of our children and cook for me and you need to do many things.I don't want to bother you baby.*sigh*

TH:Koo it's fine I will finish my Master and I will help you with the company okay??Just promise me one thing!

JK:What baby??

TH:Even if we really busy please don't bring our works to home.I don't want to abondon our kid.You understand what I actually mean right??

JK:Okay baby.I will.Can we go to our bedroom??I want to cuddle with you.I an really really tired.*huffing*

TH:Sure let's go Koo.

Both of us get up and call out kids.All of us walking and holding hands and I put them in their bedroom.

TH:Eomma and Appa will go to our bedroom you guys play together okay??Don't fought!Be gentle towards each other okay??Or eonma will never give you guys kisses!

JH:Junghyunnie want kwisses!

JT:Jungtae tooww!!

TK:TaeKookie twee!!

I giggle and give them kiss on the forehead.Jungkook also kiss them.Me and Jungkook was about to walk out from the room but stop we Jungtae ask a really out of box question

JT:Eomma and Appa how did youw guiess kwiss eawch owther??*pout*

JH:Cwan Eomma and Appa shwo ush?

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