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Too bad but it's too sweet
It's too sweet it's too sweet
It's so evil

-Boy meets evil,BTS


Jungkook PoV🐰

Why TaeTae didnt eat yet??He make me worried sick oh damn!

I walk toward his room but then I feel a cold whisper call out my name.I feel something bad will happen.I walk into my room.I remember I have another room to release my power side.

I walk to the wall and push it.It's open and I came into it.I make the wall invisible so that no one see it.I sit at the swing and slowly move it.

Then it turn out to be a little fast and it make me float in the air.I close my eyes and feel the other side of me capture in my mind.

JK:Jeongguk I know you in there.I want to know the future.Help me save the world before the world turn upside down.

JG:Jungkook Taehyung life in danger in the future.You can't save Taehyung and the others and the world unless you...........

JK:Me what??Please tell me Jeongguk.

JG:Sacrifice yourself

JK:W-what??What do you mean??

JG:I know you won't accept it Kook.Their life depends on you.It's your choice between you save them by sacrifice yourself or let them die.

JK:N-No they can't die.Jeongguk I need you to gain our power together.This is the only way to save them.I-If I d-die because of my family it's okay as long as they safe.Please promise me something Jeongguk.

JG:What Kook??

JK:Tell Taehyung I love him so so much.I will prepare myself for the war with V.Yess indeed I know the name V because I read Taehyung mind I swear it was mistake tho.I need our last power Jeongguk.The Last Nyctophilia power.

JG:Jungkook you know if we use we will receive a lots of risk right??We have done this shit before and you knew what exactly happen and im sure you are not ready to handle the pain yet!!

JK:Jeongguk please trust me!Im ready to use the power.I can even control it now and im not afraid.Nyctophilia power is the only way.I knew you dont want to use it but please Jeongguk let me sacrifice myself just this time please.

JG:Okay but I don't want to take a lots of risk okay??Im just you in the other side.Just listen,if you die I can't save them.Im sorry beside that I can't die because im just a choosen power for you that give from YunHwa.

JK:I know Jeongguk.It's okay maybe I can't save myself but if I can save my family it's enough though.I can live with euphoria when I the time come. *smile softly*

JG:If that what you choose I can't stop you.We use it now but don't expose it to anyone I mean how we be like that okay?

JK:Okay. *smile sadly*

No One PoV🖋️

Jungkook body turn out to be a bit muscular.His hair grew longer.Eyes turn red.Satan wings appear at the back of his body.All his veins popped out.A symbol of darkness on his neck appear.

A symbol of darkness on his neck appear

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(A/n:Imagine he have the wings)

The stare he use is the basic power.Nyctophilia have lots of element.Earth,Air,Fire,Water,Ice, and Hell power.This power is from the god who choose him to use it.

He choose Jungkook to be the Satan of the other ranks of others evil monster like Demon and Devil.Satan is the most power and heartless when it comes to killing.Demon and Devil is the low rank under Satan.

He now is not floating anymore he now flying with his satan wings.He than landed on the floor until then he heard someone call him.


Jungkook turn to the now seen door and shock.He stunned.

JG:Jungkook just tell him the truth he see all of it.Just-Just tell him the truth i know this thing will happen like this.

JK:Shit!Tae listen let me explain.

TH:W-what are you?W-why you keep this thing secret f-from me??Why Kookie?? *tears*

JK:Baby p-please listen to me first!Baby Please!

TH:W-why?? *sobs*

Taehyung back away and Jungkook didnt know what to do instead he grab Taehyung by the waist and kiss him passionately.Taehyung at first refuse but then he melt into Jungkook touch.

Jungkook broke their kiss and their forehead touch each other.Jungkook kiss Taehyung tears away and start the explaination from the very beggining of the story.

JK:I will tell you the story but please I want you to hear me out okay bun??Please??

TH:O-Okay *sobs*

JK:Okay here we go.Before you met me like when I was 16 I found out that even If I turn out to be puppet I still have another power which Nyctophilia.I get to know when that time I mad at my brother because he try to kill Yoongi.

So Nyctophilia is darkness power but still I can control it now.I use this when the time I really need.Instead of that I want you and the others to be safe and I have to sacrifice my own to make you guys alive.I don't want one of you die because of V.

Yes I knew him the old Demon who will to fight the Fallen angle which is you.I can manage to fght him you know??I just don't want any of you die because of him.I-I will end him even if it kill me.

Taehyung hug Jungkook and this time he cry harder.Then Taehyung soft black hair turn out to be blonde and undercut.A black angle wings appear at the back.His eyes turn out to be greyish blue.All his outfit  change in just a second.

Jungkook smile at the sudden transformation of Taehyung.He hug Taehyung closer and kiss him.The bond of the satan make the both of them become stronger.

TH:Y-you don't need to do the sacrifice Kookie!I want you to take care of our family!If I live then you live!if I die then you die!I don't  care if you think Im selfish or what!I just want you so don't ever leave me! *cry hard*

JK:Okay baby!We both fight for them.Trust me baby I make sure the both of us safe.I love you Kim Taehyung.I fucking love you.

They kiss again and this time a bit longer.They broke and look at each other.They hug and feel the warmth.Until they heard a loud crash at downstairs.Both of them say the same thing.

JK/TH:V *say the same time*


Hmmm I hope all of you enjoy this!
P/s:I will load some image when the connection is excellent!Happy reading!
Before that this book will end in a few more chapter!Yeay!!!I hope you read my new book called

7 Prince 1 Slave

Again thank you and lots of love from me!💜💜💜

#Kim TaeHui
All right reserved

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