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Frozen in my head
Pictures im living through for
Trying to remember all the good

-Paper Hearts,Tori Kelly


Taehyung PoV🐯

I wake up and feel a pair of hand hugging my waist.I turn around to see a really good looking face name Jungkook....


I take a look into the blanket and see myself naked.

Wow Impressive Kim Taehyung.

I wake up from the bed and wear my oversize shirt and thight boxers.I feel pain when I tried to walk but I ignore and just walk to the kitchen.Ain't gonna lie it hurt my bum bum.

(A/n:But I know you love it Taehyung shii😏)

I walk and make an english breakfast.I wearing a Tata Cooky Apron from BT21 and start cook.

A few minute later,When I try to flip the bacon I feel a pair of arm wraping around my waist and snuggle on my shoulder.Im a bit (Tae)shook but calm down after I know who is the owner of the hands.

TH:Yah!Im cooking you will mess it up.Why you always do like that gosh you made me have an hard attack!

JK:Never mind let it mess up,I can have you as my breakfast,lunch and dinner you know.No need the need for cook. *smirking*

TH: *remember about things happen on the night* *Blushing* P-Pervert!!

JK:But this pervert who will take care of you right Baby Boy~

TH:*blush* Go and bath first I make this ready after the both of us done okay??

JK:But I want you for my brunch!*whine*


JK:Okay Im just kidding meet you in a few minutes baby.


After the thingy I prepare and take a 10 minute in the bath.I wrap my towel on my chest and out from bathroom.I wear my Donald black shirt , Cap and my Ripped Jeans

Mean while Jungkook wearing blue ripped jeans,black shirt,maroon beanie and a long hoodie

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Mean while Jungkook wearing blue ripped jeans,black shirt,maroon beanie and a long hoodie.

Mean while Jungkook wearing blue ripped jeans,black shirt,maroon beanie and a long hoodie

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(A/n:A couple in black theme😍😘)

TH:I will go to the university first.Today is my first day and I don't want be late for it tho.

JK:Well I sent you and get home first.Then we make our move on our first date.Is that okay..

TH:More than okay!Thank you Kookie!*peck Jungkook lips*

JK:I take my car first later you wait here okay??.So I think we should go on a date.Take me out and please bring me to the Mobile Phone shop.So are you okay with it??

TH:Im just fine how about we go to my cousin place.He can help you with it.

JK:I see why not.

TH:His name is Hoseok we go there later okay.Well Koo I need to go now bye!!!!

Then Taehyung leave the house and walk to the university.


I wait for Jungkook until he reach my university.

TH:Koo I thought you bring your car.

JK:I did but we use Jimin car first.

TH:Okay then but how did you know Jimin??

JK:Long story.I'll tell you later baby.

I just nodded my head.I open my phone and dialed Jimin contact.I wait patiently until Jimin pick his phone.

Tuutt Tuutt Tutt

JM:Eo?Yeoboseyo?Taehyung shii.Need any help??

TH:Yes Jimin can you bring me to Hoseok shop??

JM:Gonna arrive in 15 minute.See ya!


End Call

JK:Who was it?Sound like a guy.*jealous*

TH:Oh Jimin the one who help me to buy this house.

JK:Oh I thought that was your...

TH:My what my boyfriend?No we just know and you are more better than him.


JK;Wait could you repeat what you said just now*smirk evily*

TH:N-nothing!! Let-Let's it or w-we gonna be l-late!*blush*

JK:Okay then.*smirk*

After we eat I clean all the dishes.Them i heard a car honking infront of my house.I grab Jungkook and go to Jimin.But Jungkook grab my hand.First.

JK:Baby please sit with me at the back

TH:Nothing you should be worry for Jungkookie.I will always be with you.*giggle*

JK:I love you Tae*whine*

TH:I love you too Kookie!*giggle*

And then we melt into a kiss.Slowly without anything.But then we hear Jimin calling.

JM:Hey lovie dovey.Ppali!!


We all go in the car until we reach to Hoseok Mobile Phone Shop.


Hello this is TaeHui!!.So yeah I guess Im back from the death.Btw Thanks for the 10k and sorry to the one who never got replied on the comment.I cant look at your comment sometime.Beside that I have and Exam next week I hope you guys pray for me to got A's.After that I think I will get my new phone so stay tuned.I will change the story cover later.SO I LOVE YOU!!!Thanks for support!!


Sorry for any mistaken.

P.S Wish me luck!

#Kim TaeHui
All right reserved

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