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You are still beautiful
Just hold me silently like you did that day, that time
The reason I survived in hell
It's for you, it was not for me
If you know, don't hesitate and please save my life
I'm thirsty wandering this desert without you
So hurry and grab me quickly
I know the sea without you is the same as a desert

-Make it right,BTS


Jungkook PoV🐰

I unbutton my shirt and look at him lustfully but then something bright.Its my body.I look at the window.I sigh and curse at the full moon that shine brightly.

Now I know why im so craving to fuck him,it is because the full moon.This is a piece of shit.Need to jerk myself alone later.

He look at me fearly.When I walk to him,he then back away.I pull his chin and trap him.He closed his eyes.Then I said

JK:Baby dont you remember me??*sigh*

He open his eyes.Looking confuse as ever.I look at his and inhale my breath sharply.

It's now or never Jungkook.I don't fucking care if something happen to me in the future what matter is Taehyung.My love and My life.


He blankly ask me back.

JK:Baby please remember me back.Just please.Remember bunny?The one who keep playing with you??D-don't you remember??

I kiss his pointed nose,his cheekbone,His neck and lastly his lips.Then a tears dripping from his eyes.He cupped my cheek and look at me.


JK:Yes baby that's me.*smile*

He hug me tightly and not letting me go.I hugged him back smelling his calming scent.Patted his back and whisper something that calm him down.

TH:Im so-sorry because,I lea-leave you with your father.Im so-sorry hyungie.I am really s-sorry.*crying*

JK:Baby it's not your fault neither your family.Okay??Finally I got you back.I fucking love you Kim TaeHyung.My little TaeTae.My precious baby bear.

TH:Why you didnt tell me earlier?!Hmmpph!!*stomp his feet and sniffle woth a pout*

JK:Im sorry okay??I thought it was other people that look the same as you but then it is really you yourself pup.*chuckle*

He still sulking and don't want to talk to me.I said and look at him and whispered

JK:Baby stop sulking and I will buy you an ice cream and cotton candy.Then we go to the amusement park and the arcade okay??

He look at me and said

TH:Really?!You didnt lie at me right?!Promise?!

I kiss him on the forehead and said

JK:Really,I did not lied to you and promise is a promise pup.

TH:Jungkook when will we go there??*pout*

JK:When you free then I am free.*smile*

TH:I cant go by tomorrow because I start my classes but how about this Friday night??

JK:Okay then.

TH:Jungkook-ah can you company me to the shopping mall??*doe eyes*


Th:Yeay!!!Btw I give you borrow my cloth.Wait a minute.*happily skip his step in his room*

He give me the cloth and ask me to change in the bathroom.I chuckled at his behaviour.

I will see the world again.Finally.

10 minute later

I out from the bathroom after the shower and I wear such a casual style but matching my style.Im wearing a white bandana,white Fila T-shirt,Black pants and a Fila shoes.I even have my piercing on both of my ear.0

But then something popped in my head and make me think harder

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But then something popped in my head and make me think harder.

What if something happen if the Grim Reaper see me with him together??I hope she did not see me together with him!

Then I look at him,he was half naked.The towel wraped around his chest and not waist.He look so lost when searching his outfit.

Such a bottom,I want to hear he screa- Holy Shit.Jungkook fucking control your Hormone.

(A/n:War of Harmone)

His milky thight is so delicious.He make me want to fuck him badly.His tan skin,collerbone,His curvy waist.

Fuck someone help me!!!

Then I go to him and back hugging him by the waist.He jumped a bit and then turn facing me.He slightly blush.

TH:Koo-Kie,Let me go~Im on-only in a to-towel~*pout*

JK:I dont want let you go.I want to look you like this.You're so sexy~*lick Taehyung ear*

I whisper sedutively at him.He blushed even more and push me and run into the bathroom.

Such a cutie baby boy.

I hope this will be last longer.Please just let me have him with for awhile.Don't take him yet like what you did to my mother Grim.Just please.


Sorry guys I can give to you only a short chapter.I promise I will do it a bit longer after this.
I will add the picture of Jungkook style later.


And this chapter for the lovely one.

Please support me guys

#Kim TaeHui
All right reserved

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