chapter 1

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At 6 a.m. I got up, got dressed the way I had planned and put some mascara on. I fluffed up my hair and took a deep breath before grabbing  my bag and hopping on the bus to school. 

I am fluent in Korean from speaking it to my family, so at least it is one less thing to worry about.
I stepped off the buss and filled my lungs with the fresh morning air. The school was just a short walk away. I remember from when my cousin showed me. She is the same age as me but goes to a different school. She said it is very difficult to get into the school I'm in, you must be very talented, she even said a celebrity or two could go there! I am glad that my Aunt and her family are close by to me. But I needed to find accomadation that was closer to my school so I am living alone for now.

I remember on my very first day in Korea I went to the school for an audition.
I had to sing, dance and do a drawing for an inspector as those were my chosen classes. I wanted to do acting but it was full so I was forced to do singing, and I'm actualy not that good I would say I'm average but I'm definitely no Sunny  or anything. Some students had to watch my audition, as it was unusual half way during the school year. That made it especially hard for me as there were some really really good-looking guys there. There was one that caught my eye. I couldn't see him properly from that far away but he had blonde hair and an unforgettable face. When I saw him clapping for me at the end of my preformance I felt my face flash red and quickly ran to the side. I really hope I see him again today.

I was late by like 5 minutes for school, I guess I was walking pretty slow but it didn't matter. I had to meet the principal first anyways and he talked me through everything and gave me my new timetable and a map of the school.
It was huge, back where I'm from,  my old school was only like 1/8 of the size!
I was introduced to a girl called Minsuh, she was in most of my classes and helped show me around aswell.

"Hi I'm Minsuh" she smiled and bowed her head

"Hello.." I said shyly back. I officially had zero confidence at that point and everyone was staring at me as we walked to our next class.

"We have art now" she said to me enthusiastically,  she could probably tell how scared I am, she seemed nice though.

"oh yay!" I exclaimed probably I little louder than I should have, "I love art"

"really?" she said, "me too! but I my favourite subject is dancing!"

"no way! so is mine" i said, this time i was genuinley grinning

When I entered the classroom everyone turned their heads almost automatically towards me, I could feel my cheeks heating up like yesterdays dinner in the microwave.
I cautiously followed  Minsuh through the class room and slid in to the seat next to her. As I started to settle in, I could feel the uneasy chill of two eyes staring at me from the back of the class but decided not to turn around incase it was a creep or I drew attention to myself.

Finally the bell went and the class rushed out of the room. Just as I spun around I suddenly met the gaze of  the best looking guy I have ever seen. Oh lord! This was the guy from the audition!
It felt like time had froze and that there was no-one else around, but suddenly our moment was ruined when I was pushed over into a table.

"Ow!" I exclaimed, but Minsuh was quick to apologise and I accepted  straight away. When I looked back he had vanished.

When I finally exited the classroom, I saw Minsuh  waiting outside for me. I was so relieved she didnt leave me on my own.

"Thanks for waiting" I smiled

"No problem"  she smiled back as we headed to the next class.

The next class was dance class, YES!
We both rushed to the lockers where Minsuh met up with her friends and introduced me to them. They were all so nice.
We grabbed our gear and headed to the changing room. As we were getting changed I heard some girls next to me talking:

" yah! Do you like my new top , does it look ok? you know who's in our dance class right?"

" oh my god stay away from him I saw him first!" 

" no you didn't! And you can't own a person!"

" well he wouldn't like you anyway,  Sehun could choose literally any girl in the school ,why would he want you!"

As I was leaving the changing room I was so excited nothing can go wrong in this class I'm almost sure.  I'm awesome at it and I kind of want to see who that Sehun guy is. He's probably just really rich or athletic or something. He didn't matter to me anyway because I know who I like now. I wonder if he can dance too?

 (a sehun / luhan fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now