chapter 2

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As I entered the room with Minsuh and her friends, I immediately  found what my eyes were looking for. He is in this class too. Now all I need is a name.

'yah! Minsuh, see that blonde guy there! The one surrounded by all those people over there?'

'Yeah, what about him? Wait,don't tell me you like him!'

'n-n-no, pppffft! As if! I was just wondering who he was because he's in loads of my classes.'

'oh yeah right! Well his name is Oh Se Hun, and only every single girl in the entire school likes him, he is super good-looking and obviously popular and oh- have I mentioned HE'S AN IDOL!' She stated

"WHAT!?" My head was spinning, thats just my luck!
What does she mean! If I had known this from the start I would have avoided eye contact, a hot guy like that, that has everything probably thinks I'm another creep. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO COMPETE WITH ALL THE OTHER GIRLS AT SCHOOL? I'll have to keep thinking about this after school because now the class is starting.

This teacher told the class I was new and introduced me to them  and then she told me to dance for the class to any song I wanted to show my skill and why I'm in that class. My face burned with embaressment. Why? Why does that teacher hate me so much, like she obviously does not know the social injustice she is now causing me.

"It takes skill to be in this class" the teacher said, laying more pressure onto me.

As I went over to the stereo to choose my song, I could hear people muttering at the side but I didnt even want to listen incase it messed my dance up.
As I took a spot on the centre of the floor, all eyes were on me, once again. I was so nervous not just about proving my self to the teacher, but, showing off infront of sehun!
I know I have no chance with him put I'm going to try for now. As I waited for the melody to begin I could feel my pulse getting stronger and beads of sweat forming on my forhead.

It was really upbeat and I loved it. I did as much as I could I even added in a few flips and expert moves here and there. In my oppinion it was perfect, I hope everyone was impressed, well, mainly Sehun.
When I turned around I scanned the mini crowd for the guy of my dreams but he was no-where to be seen.

Minsuh and her crew approached me and told me how awesome I was.  Minsuh sensed the look of confusion I had spread across my face.

"If your looking for him, he left straight after you finished, he has a magazine interview!"

"oh right, thanks" I awquardly smiled, wait, how did she know?

When school was over I was actually so pleased with how the day went, I made so many friends, the school was great and I feel that all the classes went well too. I just wish that Sehun had stayed at school so I'd know what classes we had in common.

I did a bit of research online and he is in a band called EXO with twelve other gorgeous guys. Seriously I cant see one member thats even remotely ugly. After freaking out and probably almost breaking my computer I saw that Sehun was the maknae, explaining why he's in school and that he is the main dancer and visual of the band, and he's a rapper.

ugh! What am I going to do.. everyone else likes him too!
How can I compete with everyone else? 
I need to think of something, I must have already caught his attention because I'm new, but how do I keep his attention, is the real question.
I guess its time to step things up and truly make an image for myself here. But it has to be flawless and truly IRRESISTIBLE. From now on there is no holding back.

 (a sehun / luhan fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now