chapter 4

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Sehun's p.o.v :

God! I'm so tired these days with school and the band and this new album coming out, I always find myself almost falling asleep in class its all so boring. The only thing I stay awake for is to stare at the back of her head in class all day long or even get a glimpse of her face. Even though I know we can never be...

Rosi's p.o.v :

Okay well I've been so busy the last few weeks, with the band I mean, everyday we've been practising and I think were really sounding good now AND the competition's in 2 days. I'm so nervous but excited too. This band thing has really taken my mind off alot of things like pressure at school and even impressing Sehun, like I really feel like he doesn't like me, he just does not seem interested. Is there something wrong with me?  Should I give up on him? I'm not sure about this anymore.... maybe he isn't the guy of my dreams after all, I mean for all I know he could be in a relationship already with a supermodel that is a million times better looking ,why did I bother thinking I could even get that guy to like me? I guess I'll just have to get back to this later, right now, we've got a win this competition.

It was Friday morning, the day before the big competition, I was on my way to school running over the lines of my rap. When I got there I was sort of early so I decided that I should maybe go straight to class instead of wondering around just incase I'm late for class or something.
I opened the door expecting no-one else to be there because they're not as lame as me, but there was a blonde head sprawled across a table in the back corner, I think, whoever it was as I couldn't see they're face, they were asleep and they hadn't noticed my arrival.  I just slumped into my chair awkquardly  and decided to take out my earphones just to go over the song before class but then I heard someone clear their throat behind me, I turned around quickly to meet the gaze of that person that made my heart quicken everytime I saw him, Sehun.

It was as if this was my reminder of why I liked him, however my staring seemed to make him uncomfortable so I decided to face forward again. I cautiously picked up my earphones again, re attempting to do what I had set out to do in the first place when I heard someone open they're mouth, as if they wanted to say something,  I  knew it could only be Sehun. However no words were heard, so I finaly gave up and plugged in the earphones and mimed my way through the song over and over again.

Sehun's p.o.v :

Why the hell is someone here this early, I'm only here to sleep! oh even better, its Rosi, could things get any worse?  I have really tried ignoring my feelings for her , but sometimes, like now, I just want to talk to her, but I can't because I'm too afraid. Everyone in this school thinks 'wow Sehun all the girls love you, you never have trouble when it comes to that stuff!' But its truthfully the opposite! Because of who I am I CAN'T like any of the girls back, there's never enough time and I don't want her to feel neglected or anything. I really wish things weren't like this sometimes... I keep telling myself that one day I need to forget all my fears and just tell the girl I like that I like her but.. today's not my day.

Rosi's p.o.v :

I looked at my watch. There's only five minutes of class left, thank god, me and minsuh are meeting the girls after school for practise ,the final practise, before the big day tomorrow! The training is getting so intense now, tonight we are practising in front of some other students and getting their opinions so we will be definitely set for tomorow.

I only arrived home at like half 12, and I needed desperate sleep especially for the concert tommorow so I shuffled into my room like an old man with numb legs and completely collapsed on my bed , I would have been so nervous but I think I was just too tired to even move my eyelids  let alone think about anything ,or anyone. The last thing I thought about, was that Sehun would hopefully come to the show tommorow... I wish!

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