chapter 18

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Luhans p.o.v.

I spun around...

Oh, its him.. ugh as if She would follow me anyway,

i kept going when i saw it was him,

but he caught up to me and grabbed my arm, "hyung!" He said

"Ugh just leave me alone!" Im so not in the mood for this!

"Hey ! Where did you go? And whats wrong with you!!"he asked

"Nothing MOTHER! oops, was i passed my curfew or something?" I said satcastically

"Hyung, why are you like this?........"

God, he is never gonna leave me alone is he?

"Sehun just go! I dont want to be around you right now , please just go.."

"Luhan... w-what happened?"

"Nothing! Will you just leave me alone, god! "


he finaly turned to leave..

"alright hyung... bye i guess" he said sadly

When i arrived at our floor i could hear their voices, all eleven, god that yoda is loud!!,
so i Kept going up.. to the top floor until i was on the top of the building,

Ive never been up here, how could i be? I always waste my spare time with these girls...

it feels so good to be alone for a while without any worries..


But i guess nothing lasts long...


They shouted again getting nearer and nearer, i tried to completely ignore them so they'd get the hint that i dont want to talk,

"Yah!" they said, grabbing my shoulder and turning me around,

i pushed their hands off me and then realised,


"Luhan, whats Wrong with you lately?"

God, why does she have to be such a nosy parker,

im ment to be avoiding her!! But why is it that i enjoy her company so much, even in these circumstances :(

"Luhan?" She said softly

Oh yeah ..

"Oh well i just wasnt expecting to see..... you know....that..."

you didnt need to through it in my face!!

"Well luhan, im going out with him.."

wow she said it as if i had no idea...

"Why!" Ugh i couldnt hold it in any longer!!

Rosi's p.o.v.

"Why!" He demanded


"Why!!" He repeated

"Well, cos, he likes me and.. i like him, and he asked.." like him ..yeah i like him.. thats good.. right?

He smirked, "yeah, of course, you like him, im sure you also like ice cream... what i mean is .. do you love him?"

Love?.. i really never thought about it in terms of sehun, well not this seriously..

"Luhan.. i, i dont know that yet.."

"Then i why are you with him if you dont love him .. so you can start loving him?? Cos if your together, shouldnt you.. love him? Or be sure he loves you..... aiiish!.........

Just, please stop forcing yourself into this!!"

What does he mean.. forcing myself? ... im not.. am i ? No! i couldnt be..

"luhan , what are you-....

I , im not forcing myself into anything.."

i said kinda nervously.. why? What do i have to be nervous about..

"Then why are you going out with him, and dont say cos you love him, because we just established you dont ,and i HATE liars!!"

"Fine, then.. because he loves me!"

At least i think he might.. hopefully .. and maybe i do love him... i dont know what love is .. im not sure if i ever really felt it before.. but there was this one time with lu.... no!no!no! ... that was probably like.. uggh no....

"And your sure he does???" He questioned

An awquard silence passed,

"Anyway, Thats the reason.. your sure?" He asked like a policeman

How am i supposed to answer.. ugh .. what do i do????

"In that case you should be going out with me!" He said looking at me..

W-WHAT!! HOLD up.. what? Watd he- does that , luhan.. luv.. whaaaaaa

"Huh? Hhaa , luhan..

really?? Like reeeally really?? Pffft good one!!," i said laughing, but he remained still another silence passed and thats when i realised,, well for sure realised,

"you know i have to admit, seeing as you hate liars, that i have noticed that you like me.." i said trailing off

"Duh. You'd have to be re-" he retorted , refraining from finnishing the sentence.

god theres always that side of him hhaha its funny too tho..

"But, you know love is a pretty strong word right? " i warned

"Yes. Im aware of that." He said like a robot

"So maybe you just THINK-"

"rosi, i love you!! I have since i layed eyes on you ... and you know that there is something between us.. i really cant ignore these feelings, i know you want me too ,"

wow what the hell everything he is saying seems so sincere and deep.. i feel .. almost dizzy..

"and iv tried avoiding it for the sake of every thing, i really have but... please.. please stay with me, i feel like your all i need to survive right now.."

"Luhan.." talk about shocked , im as speechless as an egg

Luhan got down on his knees on the floor and bent his head,

"This is how desperate i am for your love..

"Please" he said sadly

His voice trembled.. as if he might-

"Luhan! " I pulled him up off the ground with tears in my eyes.. still dizzy from whats unfolding around me

I stepped forward and pulled my arms around him, he put his around me, we just stayed like that, embracing eachother,

I was trying to console him, i know its soo hard to just let feelings out like that,

But.. im still not 100% sure how i feel.. im still not really sure now.... and i feel like the longer i leave things the longer one of them will suffer.. ottoke??

We were still hugging, just staying in the moment until ,

"yah! What the f**k are you two doing together!!"

HahaHaa... who is it?? Mwahaha

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