chapter 20

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Rosi's p.o.v
I could feel the sting of tears in the outer corners of my eyes as I caught a glimpse of sehun. He was rageing but also looked as if his heart had broke.
I was speechless. . And even though I tried and tried to say what I wanted, the truth, how I felt , it wouldn't change the situation or his mind,... I dont think he'd even believe me anymore...

He was still standing there facing me and luhan , suho was by his side trying to comfort him but he stared at me , making me feel more guilty.

I slowly shuffled further away from luhan , debating whether I should leave as no one spoke, I took a few steps when someone grabbed my arm,
The other two were shocked.

"Where do you think your going?" He questioned
"We need to talk!"
He dragged me down from the roof top and into a small room.
It was a small closet so we were forced together in there but I suppose it was the only way we could be alone and talk in private..

Sehun p.o.v.
Rosi tried to leave but I have to know the truth, and seeing as I'm not talking to luhan its the only way to know... even though the thought of being alone with her sickens me now..

I brought her to the cleaning closet on the 26th floor. We both squeezed in , the warmth from her body still sent tingles down my spine, but I had to resist it, I gestured for her to sit on the old stool and I faced the door avoiding her face, I cant and shouldn't think of her in that way ever again!

"Tell me what really happened..
And I'll know if your lying,so think wisely before you answer. I want to know everything that happened between you two.When, where, how, tell me! " I ordered

"I..I can't believe I loved you so much and you repayed me like this" I muttered

, I couldn't see her but I heard a loud sob escape her mouth after I said that.
I didnt know she was crying this hysterically. . Shouldn't I be the one crying?

"Sehun.." she suddenly spoke in a quite and broken voice ,
I just listened, trying my hardest to refrain throwing my arms around her and hugging her, or cry myself.

"It reeally isn't- wasn't ,what it looked like!"

I scoffed, and then heard her sob loudly again, I instantly regretted it, but why should I! ? They wronged me!
I'm just such a push over! That's why these things happen to me...

She tried to talk again, in between sobs, her voice was cracking and shaky,
"Sehun, im so sorry, it isn't what you think..."

"When did this begin?" I said coldly, showing no emotions

"Well since the first audition ..." she finaly admitted, I was shocked, how could she play me all along! !

"So, it's been like that for this long, why did you accept me as your boyfriend then!"

"No, sehun, it wasnt like  that" she tried to reassure
" I denied him, but he kept coming on to me, I couldn't stop him, and at that time we weren't going out yet anyway, "

"But it continued even though we were going out, clearly " I countered automatically

"No sehun," she objected
" you have to believe me, after we were going out it stopped I tried avoiding him but he found me..
I told him I loved you but he kept questioning me .. I ..I didnt cheat on you.. on the roof. . We were just hugging .. because luhan fell to the ground crying because. ....." she couldn't finnish and fell into a fit if sobbing

"Because what" I demanded , growing impatient

"Because he told me he loved me and I couldnt say it back" she spilled out quickly


"Well, because I don't " she simply said

"Because you love me?" I asked, raising my hopes, if there's a chance for us, this question should be a breeze

There was a long silence , and the longer I waited, the further my heart sank.

Uh-oh... is this the end for Rosi and Sehun.....
Is there a chance for Luhan???

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