the new girl (a sehun / luhan fanfic. )

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Its sunday evening. I'm so nervous for my first day of school tomorow, in a whole new school, new people, new country! I was excited until now, now I feel like running back to my old home, to familiarity.

5 days ago, I arrived in Seoul city, south Korea. I moved here for a fresh start after my parents split up I just decided on my own accord to move here. I was born here in Korea, but moved to Europe shortly after with my parents. The atmosphere at home seemed too tense for me to handle so I needed a change of scenery.
I decided to try on my uniform one last time. I stare hard at myself in the mirror and promise myself that I will be a different person here, after all no one knows me, and during the summer before I left I got a new image for myself. I lost some weight, probably from all the dancing I do all the time, I can never keep still. I dyed my hair a light blonde colour which went well with my pale skin and dark eyes. I have decided that here, this time, things will be diffrent. I wont be shy and let people boss me around or talk about me behind my back, I will be myself and won't let anyone get in my way, whatever it takes.

The uniform consisted of a checked navy/soft blue skirt, a checked tie, a white shirt and a soft blue jumper. I started adjusting my uniform. I'm sorry but I am not walking into school tomorow, on my first day, and looking like a nerd! I threw the jumper on the ground next to me, I tucked the ends of my shirt into my tightly fitting skirt and pulled my skirt up until it reached the top of my waist. I liked the skirt as it was tight on me and clung to my body as far as the end of my back and then went out a bit and was pleated.It was cute. the skirt was fairly short on me then because I'm much taller , but I didnt care. I then put on my dark blue-navy stockings that go over-the-knee and a pair of plain white converse runners. I finaly buttoned up the cuffs of my white shirt on my wrist and un bottened the first two buttons on the collar of my shirt and let my small butterfly chain hang out. Now I felt comfortable, I guess the dress up (or down) helped settle my nerves and I was excited about school tomornow.

I changed into my pj's and thought about what the preforming arts school would be like, they don't have them back home and I was lucky to get in. I LOVE the arts, and I'm actually not that smart so I think its definitely the school for me. I thought to myself, before I drifted off to sleep, that I had a feeling I would like it here.

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