Chapter 1 (Day 1 - Sea)

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The sky was blue and cloudless and the sun shone brilliantly. There was a mild summer breeze in the air which was causing the ocean's waves to gently lap against the large rocks that stood on the beach.

The sound of the waves breaking on the rocks, the breeze rustling the tree's leaves and the gulls' cries created a relaxing environment familiar enough for a certain creature to take comfort in.

Laying in the sun, high up on one of the flat rocks, was a Mer. The sun caused his red tail to have a glistening golden hue to it. His black hair was becoming soft as it slowly dried. Pointed red fins, where ears should be, flickered slightly as ocean spray hit them. His violet eyes opened briefly so he could glare at the ocean in annoyance.

The Mer lazily stretched, claws scraping against the rocks, before curling up and resting his head on his arm so he could resume his afternoon nap. He was content that nothing, except the ocean, would bother him.

The beach this time of year was devoid of both humans and other Mers. For human's it was too hot and the water's currents were too cool for the local Mers. For this Mer, however, the conditions were perfect. He loved the current temperature of both the land and the water and it meant that he wouldn't be bothered by either. Not that it mattered if somebody did. His mate was nearby and wouldn't dare let any Mer, or other possible threat, harm him without a fight.

Not that he couldn't take care of any threat himself. Keith had been in his fair share of fights over the years and he'd won most of them. So it was nice not having to look over his shoulder as he swam blindly looking for food or a place to rest. Orphaned at a young age Keith had, had to swim from coast to coast. Catching what food he could and, when possible, taking large detours to avoid entering the territories of larger predators or Mer.

Occasionally he would come across kind souls who would let him pass. Whenever it was because of his small size or out of pity he didn't know. Nor did he care. He had just been glad that he didn't have to be forced to fight again.

He had wandered for years until finally setting in a nearby bay, where he had stayed for a few days. During that time he met Shiro.

The day they had met Keith had been having a really bad hunting day. He couldn't find anything to hunt! All day he'd been searching along the reefs and inside different caves and he'd come up empty handed. Defeated, he retreated back to the bay.

Unknown to him, a Mer had seen him and was now following. The Mer that was following him had been doing so for a while now. Ever since Keith appeared in the bay, now that he thought about it. Each time he'd attempted to approach Keith he somehow managed to disappear.

Now watching Keith head back into the bay the Mer felt bad for him. He knew all too well what it was like to have a bad hunting day and to have to go without food for the night. Here he decided he would see if he could find something for him. This also seemed like the best way to approach him.

Several hours later, while Keith was chilling in the shallows, the Mer approached him. Keith was unsure of him at first, but after learning his name, that he meant no threat and that he brought some food he was a little more calmer. From there they got to know one another, grew closer and then eventually fell in love.

Keith smiled. Love. Out of all of the things he had expected to happen in his life, love was not one of them.

"What are you smiling about?" Shiro asked as he snuggled up to him, draping his tail over Keith's.

"Takashi," he said greeting him as he rolled onto his back so he could see him, "I was just thinking about us. How we met and stuff like that."

"Is that so?" he asked before gently kissing and nibbling at Keith's neck.

Keith turned his head slightly to expose more of his neck to Shiro "Mmmm, that is so." he replied.

Shiro chuckled as he shifted his position slightly so he could give Keith a long and passionate kiss. After a minute or so Keith broke the kiss. "Baby, as much as I would like to do this I'd much rather continue my nap."

"You've got it baby." Shiro said rolling onto his back and opening his arms, inviting Keith to cuddle. Keith accepted his invitation immediately and they stayed there for the rest of the afternoon. 

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