Chapter 2 (Day 2 - Stars)

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When Keith woke up on the rock he'd been napping on all afternoon he saw that it was now nighttime. He laughed. Clearly his nap had turned into a full blown sleep.

A couple of minutes later he realised that Shiro was gone. Keith looked around. Thanks to the moon the area was lit up enough for him to see that there was no sign of Shiro in the surrounding water. He frowned. "Where did you go Takashi?"

It didn't take him long to decide that he was going to go look for him rather than waiting for him to come back.

As Keith dove into the water he gasped at how cold it was. In retrospect he should have been expecting it, it was summer after all and the water had a tendency to get this cold.

After getting over his shock Keith headed out into the ocean and began his search for Shiro. His search didn't take as long as he had first expected.

Rather than wandering aimlessly Keith went to all of the Shiro's favourite places. First he went to the cave they lived in and then he checked the bay. Not sign of Shiro at either place. He was passing the lighthouse, on his way to the big reef, when he spotted Shiro chilling on its docks, looking up at the sky.

When he first saw him it had occurred to Keith that it could be another Mer, but then he'd seen how the moonlight made their black tail glisten purple which had told him that it was Shiro.

Keith swam up to the dock and launched himself from the water, landing right next to Shiro.

"Something wrong baby?" Shiro asked pretty much immediately after Keith had landed on the dock.

"Yeah, you disappeared." Keith replied.

Shiro sat up and pulled Keith into a hug. "I'm sorry about that. I just needed to find a place to think."

"Think about what?"

Shiro pulled away, looked away and sighed. Keith understood instantly.

"The Galra." Keith didn't know a lot about what had happened between Shiro and the Galra, but from his scars he could guess.

"Yeah...let's not talk about that right now. Instead, come here, I want to show you something." Shiro said patting the place next to him before he laid down.

Keith laid down next to him and looked up at the sky with Shiro. After a few minutes silence he spoke. "So, what are we looking at exactly?"

"The stars." Shiro replied.

"Why?" Normally the lighthouse docks would be the worst place to stargaze, but because the night was calm and the moon was casting enough light on the area, the lighthouse was currently turned off.

"You don't see it?"

"See what Takashi?"

Shiro chuckled. "Follow my finger alright? You see that star there?"


"See those two stars above it?"

"Of course."

"Can you see how they appear to connect with one another?"

It took Keith a minute, but he eventually saw it. "Yeah! I do!"

"Now look at the other stars around those three."

There was several minutes of silence before he worked it out. "It's the Cancer star sign."

"That it is. You know Keith I can't help, but imagine what it would be like to go up there."

Keith rolled onto his side and propped himself up with his elbow so he could look at Shiro. "Really?"


"May I ask why?"

"To be honest, I don't really know why. Perhaps the idea of leaving this planet and starting over somewhere new appeals to me." Shiro replied.

"Hypothetically speaking, if you could go up there, would you take anyone with you?"

Shiro stopped looking at the stars and turned his head to Keith. "What do you think?"

Keith smiled. "It's a shame there's no water up there otherwise I think we'd probably have a real shot of getting up there."

Shiro laughed. "You're not wrong there." Shiro then did what Keith had done a few minutes ago so he could kiss him. After their kiss had ended they heard the sound of a boat approaching.

"That's our cue to go." Keith said.

"Indeed it is." Shiro replied.

Just as the boat's lights hit the dock, Keith and Shiro dove into the water and headed back home to their cave. 

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