Chapter 6 (Day 6 - Relaxing)

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Keith and Shiro had been traveling non stop for a few days now. Only resting when they came to one of their planned rest points or to eat.

While Keith was excited to reach their destination, they were going where Shiro had grown up, he was slowly growing more and more tired. In the past long journeys like this wouldn't have had any effect on him since he was used to them. However during these past few years, ever since he met Shiro, he had been spoilt with not having to move around constantly and as a result he was no longer used to it. He was doing his best to hide it from Shiro though. He didn't want him to worry.

Unknown to Keith, Shiro had picked up on his tiredness and was in the process of looking for a good spot for them to relax. It was quite a nice day today. Not too hot or too cold so Shiro was looking for a beach for them. He hadn't told Keith what he was doing because he knew that Keith would insist that he was fine and that they could keep going or they'd fall behind schedule.

Thing was Shiro didn't care if they fell behind schedule. Keith was far more important than some dumb schedule and always would be.

A couple of hours or so later they began to pass a lot of different islands. Most of them didn't have any trees close to the water, which meant they would have no way to easily access shade. However there were a couple that did and they also had some flat rocks that Keith liked a lot.

"Hey Keith. You want to take a break and relax?" Shiro asked.

"Are you sure? Won't we fall behind schedule?"

Shiro shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not, but we have been pushing it quite a bit of the past few days and I think we deserve a nice long relaxing session before continuing."

"Alright, if you're sure."

Once they'd finally decided on an island to rest on Keith immediately made himself at home on one of the rocks. Shiro smiled as he watched Keith's tail shimmered gold as he stretched.

While Keith got comfortable Shiro decided to make them lunch. He was just about to get the food out of his bag when Keith appeared out of nowhere and stopped him. "If I'm relaxing, so are you. We can eat later."

"You sure?"

"Positive baby. Now come on." Keith said pulling Shiro back to his place on the rock. Shiro followed willingly.

Instead of Keith resting his head on Shiro's chest, Shiro rested his head on Keith's chest. Once they were both comfortable Keith began to run his hand through and play with Shiro's hair. "I like this. We should do it more often."

"We really should." Shiro said before yawning. He'd been so concerned with how tired Keith must've been he hadn't realised just how tired he actually was. Keith playing with his hair was also probably somewhat contributing to it as well.

Keith and Shiro ended up staying on that island for the rest of the day and small part of the next day. They didn't much except for relaxing in either the sun or the shade, eating and cuddling and sleeping in each other's arms.  

A//N: Sorry about today's chapter being shorter than the others. Had a little bit of trouble figuring out what to write for the prompt, but hey! A shorter chapter is better than no chapter right?

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