Chapter 4 (Day 4 - Fireworks)

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"Did you see it Takashi?" Keith asked as Shiro entered their cave.

"Yes I did, baby." Shiro replied.

He knew what Keith was referring to. Out on the water was a large ship. A "ferry" he believed the humans called it. They both knew why it was there. It appeared every year at the exact same time. It was for some celebration they did every year on the fourth of the seventh month. What the celebration was for was unknown to them, but they enjoyed the fireworks.

"Are we going to go this year?"

"I don't see why not. Let's just make sure a repeat of last year doesn't happen okay?"

"It wasn't my fault. You know that."

"I know, but you shouldn't have risen to it."

Shiro and Keith weren't the only Mers to watch the fireworks. Mers from the Garrison and other clans did as well and last year Keith had ended up getting into a fight with one of them. It had been a Mer with a blue tail by the name of Lance.

Shiro had known of Lance when he'd been apart of the Garrison clan. Lance had a reputation for stirring the pot or so to speak. It was all rumours though. No one had actually ever caught him doing so. Until last year.

It was just before the fireworks had started, Shiro had decided to get him and Keith some snacks. When he'd come back Keith and Lance were getting ready to quite possibly kill one another. Shiro, of course, immediately intervened.

Keith calmed a little bit when he did and Lance appeared to become completely awestruck. He had no idea why and they hadn't stuck around long enough to find out. Perhaps if they saw him later tonight he'd find out.

"Just promise me you won't start anything and, if he does, you won't rise to it." Shiro said.

Keith chuckled as he moved close to his mate and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I promise."

When nightfall came Keith and Shiro went to the usual place to watch the fireworks. The spot was known as, to both humans and Mers, Shipwreck Rocks for obvious reasons.

The rocks sat below a sheer cliff and while there were a lot of sharp and jagged rocks, there were also a lot of flat rocks, perfect for watching the fireworks from.

As always they were the first ones there meaning they got first choice of where to sit.

"The usual place?" Shiro asked.

"The usual place!" Keith replied.

Their usual place was one of the smaller flat rocks. It was bigger enough just for the two of them and no one else. Just the way they liked it. Keith leaned back against Shiro's chest and closed his eyes.

"Tired?" Shiro asked.

"Nope. Just enjoying the peace and quiet while it lasts."

"Understood." he replied as he wrapped his arms around Keith and kissed the top of his head.

It wasn't long before this intimate moment was ruined by a loud and familiar laugh. Shiro sighed and he felt Keith tense slightly as he pulled away, ready to leap from their rock and back into the ocean.

"Keith..." Shiro began.

Keith looked back to him and gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. I'm not going to break my promise." Before Shiro had the chance to say anything in reply Keith had dove off.

He sighed again and shook his head. "What am I going to do with you?" he asked himself.

After ten minutes had passed, he began to worry. The area was slowly getting packed with Mers and Keith had yet to return. He was okay right? He hadn't gotten into a fight with Lance had he? What if he had and was now injured? He'd better go find him to make sure he was okay. Before Shiro could even make a move to dive back into the water Keith returned looking very happy with himself.

"Are you okay?" Shiro asked.

"Great! You should have come! The look on his face was priceless!"

When Keith saw the look of disappoint on Shiro's face he shook his head and chuckled a little. "Don't worry I didn't break my promise. I didn't really do anything actually."

"What happened then?"

Just as Keith was about to tell him the first firework went off. "How about I tell you on the way home?"

"Sounds good."

As more fireworks went off Keith leaned against Shiro's chest and Shiro wrapped his arms around him once again. As the display continued Shiro leant his chin against Keith's shoulder and whispered. "You know I love you right baby?"

"I love you too." Keith replied before kissing Shiro's cheek.

Once the fireworks had finished Keith and Shiro were the first ones to leave.

On their way home Shiro stopped and turned to Keith. "So what did happen with Lance?"

"It was brilliant. Lance was flirting with this lady Mer with a white tail and I think he said something that angered her. Anyway he goes 'Oh I'm sorry am I offending you sweetheart' and she goes, and this was the funniest thing ever, 'A baby face like yours could never offend me sweetheart.' and his face just dropped." Keith said, imitating the look that had been on Lance's face.

"You're kidding?"

"Nope! And then she and the two Mers that were with her just swim away as if nothing happened, leaving him there in shock."

"Oh man, that sounds hilarious. Kinda wish I had followed you now."

"Yeah, but I'm guessing there's plenty of lady Mers out there getting ready to do something similar so there's always next time."

"That's true. Now shall we continue on our way home?"

"We shall." 

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