Chapter 5 (Day 5 - Swimming)

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Keith woke up the next morning to find Shiro moving somewhat quickly around their underwater sleeping chamber. Normally they would've slept in their above water chamber, but when they'd gotten back they had heard laughter and chatter from a group of humans. Not knowing whenever or not if they were actually in the cave or outside it, they'd decided one of the underwater chambers would do just fine.

Keith yawned as he stretched. He then rolled on to his front and propped his head up with his hand. Shiro was too preoccupied with sorting out the two dive bags they'd snagged from a couple of divers several years ago to notice that he was awake.

"What are you doing babe?" Keith asked.

"Prepping our bags for the trip." Shiro replied.

"The trip?" Keith felt as if he should know what this was about, but he couldn't quite put a finger on it.

"Yeah. Don't you remember? We planned it last year."

Last year? Hmmm...Keith chuckled slightly as the memory came back to him. "Of course I remember!

Can't believe I nearly forgot!"

Shiro shook his head and rolled his eyes. "We spend an entire year planning this and you forget? Typical." Keith knew he was joking by the sparkle in his eyes and the playful tone in his voice. Even so, he decided to mess with Shiro by pretending to be hurt by it.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to forget." Keith said, sounding especially apologetic and looked away from Shiro and to the ground of the chamber.

Immediately Shiro stopped what he was doing and looked towards Keith. Concern written across his face. He made his way over to him. "No, no, no! I didn't mean it like that! I was playing baby." He said as he cupped Keith's face, got him to look at him again and kissed him.

As they kissed Keith couldn't stop himself from giggling and ended it up stopping their kiss. Shiro was confused for a moment before realisation to what had just happened hit him.

"You lied to me? And for what?"

"I wanted my good morning kiss and you were all the way across the other side of the chamber and I couldn't be bothered to get up yet."


Keith sighed. "And I wanted to mess with you a little. In my defense you did make it a little too easy."

Taking him completely by surprise Shiro flipped Keith onto his back and pinned him to the ground. "That was a very bad thing to do Keith. Now who knows what's going to happen?"

Keith gulped. His heart was racing. This was a side Shiro rarely showed, but when he did Keith loved it much more than he would ever be willing to admit to him. Keith smiled. "I think I have an idea."

Shiro laughed. Rather than replying he began to kiss Keith passionately. As time went on Shiro soon began to turn his attention to Keith's neck and chest. As much as Keith was enjoying this time was ticking on and if they wanted to make it to their first stop point before nightfall they had to get moving now.

"Takashi, as much as I don't want this to stop we should probably get a move on if we want to get there before nightfall." Keith said.

Shiro sighed. "Alright, let's go, but this isn't over."

"Of course not."

A couple of hours into their journey and they were making good time. They were already halfway to the first rest point. Keith could tell that Shiro was still tense from earlier. Hell, so was he and it was beginning to slowly become unbearable. Perhaps an adrenaline based game was needed.

Shiro was trailing a little ways behind him so he began to swim backwards so he could talk face to face with him. "Want to race?" he asked.


"I said want to race? You know, if you think you can keep up with me."

Shiro smiled. "I won't keep up with you. I'll beat you."

"Oh? Is that so?"

"That is so. Why? You scared, baby?"


"Alright so where are we going to race to?"

"Hmmm, how about from here to the rest point?"

"That's still quite far away Keith. You sure you're going to be able to do it?"

"I'm pretty sure the question you should be asking is if you are going to be able to do it, not me."

The second the race started Keith shot off and disappeared. Shiro did what he could to keep up and from time to time he caught sight of Keith again only for him to vanish again.

'Damn, I shouldn't have been so cocky earlier! Keith's always been faster than me and he always will be. I had no hope of winning to begin with!' Shiro thought to himself.

When Shiro finally did reach the rest point he was completely out of breath and ready to sleep. Looking around Keith wasn't anywhere to be seen. 'Maybe he's already inside.' Shiro made his way inside the fairly small cave, took off his dive bag and set it down. It didn't take him long to realise that Keith wasn't in here either.

Confused, Shiro left the cave and went to look for him. He was about half an hour into looking for him when he suddenly felt two arms wrap around him.

"There you are Takashi! I thought you'd gotten lost!" Keith said.

Shiro turned around to face Keith and wrapped his own arms around him. "Me? Lost? I was the one thinking you were lost! Where were you?"

"Like I said, I thought you'd gotten lost so I doubled back to look for you. Although I don't know how we didn't manage to cross paths."

"Hmmm, that is very strange is isn't it? Anyway we should probably head back, it's getting late and we still need to prep our sleeping area as well as dinner."

"Sounds good." 

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