Chapter 7 (Day 7 - Free Day)

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After their minor detour Keith and Shiro had finally arrived where Shiro had grown up. That had been a couple of years ago now.

When they'd first arrived here Keith had been a little deterred by the amount of other Mers that were here. He was worried that, like so many others, they would immediately reject him and want him away from their community. He was pleasantly surprised when they welcomed him with open arms.

The first Mers to greet them had been none other than Shiro's parents. They hugged and welcomed Shiro back home. When the hug ended Shiro introduced Keith to them and, taking him completely off guard, they pulled him into a hug. Keith automatically tensed up, but after receiving a reassuring smile from Shiro he relaxed a little.

It hadn't been long before Keith learnt that Shiro's parents loved hugs quite a lot and whenever they could would pull Shiro and Keith into group hugs. To begin with Keith had absolutely hated it. The reason for that was that he just didn't like being hugged by Mers who weren't Shiro. After the third one Shiro realised just how uncomfortable Keith was becoming and took them aside to ask them to ease up on the hugs, which they did after apologizing to Keith for making him uncomfortable.

As time went on he slowly got used to the hugs and recently he'd been the one to initiate them.

Now, present day, Keith was doing what he always did, Lounging about in the sun. Shiro was back at their new home doing...well he wasn't exactly sure what. When Keith had returned after his early morning swim around the coast Shiro had ushered him out and told him not to come back till after sundown.

While Keith was a little confused by this he wasn't worried. Shiro was either A: cleaning the cave and didn't want him to get in the way or B: he was planning something romantic. Keith was hoping for the latter. It had been too long since they'd done something romantic.

Keith pretty much stayed where he was all day. The only times he moved was to either cool down in the water or shade and to either eat or drink.

The day passed by quite quickly for Keith. Then again it always did when he was dozing in the sun all day. A chilly evening breeze was what woke him. As Keith propped himself up he saw that he was just in time to watch the sunset and normally he would, but he had to start heading back home now if he wanted to get there just after nightfall. That is the time Shiro told him to come back after all.

When he got back to their cave he found the entrance to be dimly lit by a couple or so jars of glowing plankton. This theme continued further into the cave. When he reached the dining area he found the table set and there were was food laid out, ready to be eaten.

Before Keith could further inspect it he felt two arms wrap around him and pull him in close.

"You like it?" Shiro asked.

"Like it? I love it. Been too long since we last did something like this." Keith replied.

"Indeed. Now you know why I insisted you leave this morning?"

"I already had a feeling you were doing something like this."

Shiro chuckled. "Oh? So you're what, a detective now?"

"Honestly it wasn't too hard to figure out. You're becoming too predictable, Takashi."

Shiro pretended to be hurt by this. "Why would you say that? That's just mean!"

"Yeah? Well I'm a mean Mer. Now come on, let's eat I'm starving." Keith said as he escaped Shiro's embrace and made his way towards the table.

"Alright, but this isn't over Keith."

"Is it ever?"

A//N: And there you have it! The last chapter! I hoped you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! <3 

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