Chapter 27

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I get a little bit Genghis Khan; don't want you to get it on with nobody else but me


Three painfully long days had passed since Declan had phoned me and told me to meet him. I had pretended like nothing was wrong whilst simultaneously trying my best to avoid Sin. I had a bunch of reading assignments and projects due for school anyway so nobody batted an eyelash when I left for school in the morning and didn't return until nighttime.

Whilst all of this was going on all I could think about was Declan and Sophia and my...mother. It feels so weird to call Sophia as anything other than 'mom, but at the same time it just didn't feel right referring to her that way anymore. She and I had become closer these few days; she decided to stay in Los Angeles for a while to escape the drama back in New Orleans. I did everything I could to make her stay more comfortable but as she told me on many occasions, 'she was a grown woman who could entertain herself without being shadowed by an adolescent who probably had better things to do'-her words not mine.

After what felt like decades, Saturday finally arrived and I had never been more anxious for it to come in my life. I was finally going to meet Declan and I prayed that he could shed some light on the situation-I seriously doubted I'd find Tatiana on my own and there was no way I was asking my dad to help me, he was the reason all of this was happening in the first place. I suspected Sophia had told him about me finding out about everything seeing as he had been blowing up my phone more frequently than normal. I just didn't have the guts to face him right now, but I would eventually-I needed to speak to him and I admit that.

"Hey didn't you hear me calling you?" Faye suddenly pops out of nowhere surprising me and causing me to lose my balance. "Woah, steady girl." She chuckles as she grabs my arm, preventing me from face planting.

"Thanks," I refer to her help, "I didn't hear you, sorry." I straighten out myself and walk with her to the kitchen.

"You have any plans?" she says brushing off my apology, "I know I've been really busy with Andre but I always have time for my best girly-friend." Faye grins angelically as she takes a seat on one of the many barstools.

Faye had been really distracted lately; I hadn't even had the chance to tell her about this whole mess about Sophia not being my real mother. She did know that Sin and Adella weren't having a baby due to the fact Andre had a mini party when he found out his best friend wasn't going to be a father. I get that she's busy with her own life but it would've been nice to talk to my best friend about all of this shit going on in my life. I had to admit I was a little ticked off at her flaky behavior but I guess I would just have to suck it up.

"Yeah actually." I state vaguely, not elaborating on the whole Declan thing, she wouldn't understand.

"Hey," she says as she takes in my blank expression, "Are you mad at me?" I sigh heavily at her statement. Mad was a strong term.

"I don't know..." I trail off not really knowing how to express my emotions right now, I had so much on my plate with the whole Tatiana business, I didn't really have time to be mad at her right now. "I guess I just really needed you these past few days, but you've been so busy with Andre and I feel kinda alone."

Faye's eyes widen drastically at my confession, I didn't want to tell her because it just seemed so insignificant and I doubt she'd understand.

"I didn't realize you felt that way." She says sadly as she takes in my cautious expression, "I'm so sorry." She says genuinely surprised at my reaction. "I got so caught up with Andre I forgot about my best friend." She says and I feel like she might cry at any given moment, "I'm such a terrible person."

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