Chapter 30

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I don't wanna be your friend; I wanna kiss your neck


When Roxy had dropped me off by the café near Sin's house I realized it was really late. I had been gone the whole day and I'm sure Faye had to have had a seizure by now. Roxy returned my bag to me containing my phone which had been shut off; I immediately dialed Faye's number not even bothering to check the missed calls and texts that flooded my phone as soon as I switched it on. She screamed at me for a total of 5 minutes non-stop and only drew to a close when I promised to explain everything to her when she arrived to pick me up.

As I sat outside the café and waited for Faye to arrive, I contemplated the events that had transpired over the last couple of hours. Did the lady that kidnapped me know my mother? She talked about her in a familiar tone so she must've. I wish I had the chance to ask her more questions, but she had disappeared after her cryptic message to me so I lost that opportunity. I had her phone number but she did reiterate that it was only for emergencies and she didn't seem the type to tolerate idle chit-chat.

Before I could ponder any of this anymore Faye's car came speeding down the road before it parked haphazardly right in front of where I was standing. Faye immediately exited the vehicle not even shutting it off as she ran straight towards me and wrapped me in her arms.

"I'm going to kill you." She whispered in my ear after she eventually let me go.

"It wasn't my fault this time." I hold my hands up in surrender, "I don't know what the hell happened to be honest."

"Well you can explain in the car," Faye gestures to her vehicle, "Sin almost blew a gasket when he found out you were missing, we should get there before he stabs Andre." I chuckle lightly at her statement and can't help the warm feeling that washes over me at the mention of Sin. I haven't really stopped thinking about him, we haven't had time alone since our conversation-which I guess is a good thing; I don't want to do anything with him whilst he's still in a 'relationship'.

We step into the car and Faye starts driving whilst I begin my story. I tell her about how I got knocked out and brought to an old, abandoned rape-y looking place, how this strange woman prepositioned me to join her gang and how she might have a connection to my mother.

"You should really talk to Sin about all of this." Faye states as she pulls into the house's driveway, "He has a lot of connections; he could be able to find her for you." I nod my head at her words, she might be right. I just felt weird telling him about my life when I knew virtually nothing about him. I mean I knew that his parent's last dying wish was that he marry Adella but other than that-nada.

We step out of the car and head to the house. As soon as I step inside I'm attacked by Andre as he wraps me in his arms and squeezes the life out of me.

"I thought you were done for, Bambi." He states worriedly as he sets me down. Andre had always been like a brother to me.

"You won't get rid of me that easy." I jokingly say as I squeeze his arm to assure him that I'm really here and okay.

"Marilyn." A voice interrupts our little moment, as I turn my head I notice Sin descend the stairs. I can't look directly at him because I'm afraid of what I might do; instead I focus my eyes on the floor as I feel him approach.

"I was so worried about you." He whispers as he stops right in front of me, "I thought..." he trails off in pain but I'm pretty sure I know what he was going to say.

"It's okay." I reach out to touch him but change my mind at the last moment, so my hand hovers awkwardly in the air before I stoically place in back next to my side.

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