Chapter 18

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Because I haven't seen you since last winter break and I know you hated how that went.



I walked into school that Monday with a new sense of purpose. I had given Jace my virginity and I finally felt like that was the final nail in the coffin of our relationship-he really cared about me, this is real life.

I smiled a little to myself as I made my way over to my locker, I felt refreshed and ready for the week. I felt as if I was glowing-the looks I were receiving from those around me didn't even bother me anymore. The glares and hatred were flying over my head today. As I made my way down the hallway I bumped into some random sophomore I hadn't said two words to my entire high school career.

"Slut." She whispered as she bypassed me and headed off to wherever.

Huh, that was a new one.

I had never really been called names before-guess there's a first for everything. I shrugged it off and continued on my way. I stopped at my locker and got my books out for my first class, math. What a great way to dull my great mood.

"Marilyn!" Faye's frantic voice greeted me as she grabbed my arm to get my attention.

"Where's the fire?" I chuckle a little as I take in her nervous state.

"What the hell is going on?" She stares at me incredulously. "How can you just act like this isn't a big deal?"

"What do you mean?" I glance at her confusedly. Why is she so freaked out? Did something happen?

"You don't know do you?" she says sadly and suddenly a sympathy-ridden expression graces her face. "Mari."

"What?" now she's actually starting to worry me. A sinking feeling takes place in my stomach and my good mood from earlier has all but diminished.

"Here" Faye hands me her phone and closes her eyes tightly as I take it from her hand. "It was sent to the entire school this morning."

Traitorous tears threaten to fall from my eyes as I take in the grainy, poorly filmed video. How the hell did this happen?

It was me and Jace.

"We'll find a way to take it down." Faye tries to reassure me, "It's fine-I swear Marilyn I'll make him pay for this."

But her voice drowns out as I take in all that has transpired. I wasted 2 good months on his stupid, selfish ass.

Fuck being sad-I was furious.

I was practically spitting fire as I handed Faye her phone back and started searching for Jace.

"Marilyn please wait." Faye tries to stop me as I blunder through the halls in my attempt at finding Jace. "Let's think about this calmly and rationally."

"Fuck that Faye." I practically roar at her. I don't want to come off as a bitch towards her because she had nothing to do with any of this but I was achingly angry.

I want to look him in the eye as tells me why the hell he'd do this to me.

Finally after an eternity of searching I finally find him at the front of the school in the parking lot with June Chambers, the school's head cheerleader. They seem to be having a great time, too bad I'm going to have to ruin it. His hand rests around her waist and he seems to be flirting with her.

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