Chapter 2

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/Her voice\

I couldnt stand turning to face her, i didnt want to anymore. All she did was cling to Ayato, like a reminder to all of us. My older brogher didnt seem to mind her clingy nature much, but to us it just proved that she chose him instead of one of my other brothers or even me.
"Subary-kun? Are you okay?" Yui spoke up, her voice filled with worry asked as i heard her move off the one she chose as a lovers lap to stare at me. I looked at my brothers before looking at the ground.
"Im fine... its just her... its her 15th birthday today..." my voice was quiet as a mouse, as quiet as I could make it. I rose a hand to her picture i kept with me and just stared, unsure what to do with myself.
Ayatol froze where he stood, his eyes wide in shock, almost as if he forgot. He let out a loud hiss and shifted his weight. After a second he ran a hand through his hair and stood, bolting up our stairs.
I watched before standing and following suite. I looked back at my brothers as I neared the staircase and they all stood to follow me. We were all rushing towards her room. We always stayed there during her birthday. It was more urgent now that Yui was here, it was hard for us to show emotion regularly, let alone such deep depression as a missing sister.
Yui tilted her head and followed after us. We didnt notice for a moment but when we did, Reiji turned and stopped her where she stood.
"No, dont follow us today. Take this money and go shopping for the day. Dont come back until nightfall. Just know if your not back by nightfall, we will search for you." He hummed before pushing her back and handing a couple hundred dollars to her.
"O-okay? Thanks I guess..." she whispered before quickly kissing Ayato's cheek before rushing out of the mansion.
"Let's just go already." I snapped marching towards her room again. I threw open the door and flopped on her bed. The others stared and somehow I had passed Ayato on my way here because he had just entered the room.
"Get. Off." Ayato balled his fists. "You sit there every year and I've never we were her brothers too and I should be able to sit there too." He snarled. I just stared at him emotionlessly before flopping backwards, obviously saying I wasnt going to move. Before Ayato could do anything, the eldest put a hand in his shoulder.
"Leave him be. We both know Subaru and Rize where close." Shu mumbled as kindly as he could muster. Ayato snarled before storming off to his corner.

Rize. I dont know where you are or if your even alive but I miss you, we all do. We really miss you. Please, somehow, come back.

I stared outside the school bus window as it drove down the street. I frowned and balled my hands. I wasnt supposed to be here.
My long black hair lay limply on my shoulders and my eyes where shiney with tears.
"Hey Rize." There was a girl poking my shoulder.
"Hmm?" I turned.
"Happy 15th birthday." She smiled and I nodded.

I wanna go home. It felt like home had been so so long ago. I miss my brothers. Do they miss me? Please, if your still looking for me, come find me soon.

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