Chapter 8

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A/n: yes, I'm working on this a bit early.
I dont completely remember what happened in my original plan and I dont trust that I can watch the whole anime through again without risk to my mental health (I love the anime but the dark themes can be too much.) But I may start with the first episode to see. If I cant, please dont be upset of the characters arent cannon anymore. Chapters will still be more spread out usually.
The storyline might not make much sense from this point on but I'm trying.
I hope you enjoy it because I honestly needed something easy to write today and this chapter was easy.
I'll try to work on it more since I'm at standstill with some of my other stories.

*Also feel free to ask the characters questions cause I'm thinking of doing a character QnA after this*

As soon as we arrived, I was the first one out of out limo. My emotions were stuck between enraged at the person who took her and joy at finally seeing her again.
"Ready? We are meeting her friend who reached out to us." Yui chirped and  I grinned. It felt weird to grin. I spent so long upset and grumpy but now I was grinning.
"Ready as I'll ever be." I whispered and she nodded. My brothers and I began walking towards the door before it swung open. Blue eyes stared at me and despite the years apart, I recognized my sister in a heartbeat.
"RIZE!" I laughed as I ran to the door, pulling my sister into my arms and holding onto her tight.
I could hear her laughter and soon my brothers joined in the hug. For the first time in years we acted like brothers as we all cried over the little girl.
"I missed you! Oh- oh- I missed you all so much!" She sobbed and I couldnt help but join in the crying.
"We missed you too, so much." Ayato whispered and she cried again.
"Rize? Is this them?" A boy stood at the door and we all hissed at seeing him. Who was he?
"Seriously guys?" Rize giggled at our reaction. "Yes Luke, these are my brothers. Boys, this is my best friend Luke. He helped me see you again." She explained. I was the first one to relax, except for maybe Shu who hadn't hissed to begin with.

The night came fast into our conversation. We had met Yuki and although we didnt completely like the child, we told Rize that she could stay and she would be safe.
"Rize... I'm scared. What if he finds you?" Yuki asked after Rize had told her to sleep.
"He wont. Dont worry." Laito hummed. Despite being perverted, he was still rather good with kids and rather calming. I remember that Yui blamed his tone of voice.
"Promise?" Yuki asked and I annoyingly watched my brother grin.
"I swear on it!" He hummed. I could see Rize grinning out of the corner of my eye and I allowed myself to relax slightly.
"How has life been for you Rize?" I whispered and she shrugged.
"Terrible. I was kidnapped by my grandfather... I missed you all desperately and I had to escape today by climbing out my window as he screamed at me." She whispered, shutting her eyes.
I frowned and pulled her into a hug.
"He won't get to you anymore. I swear it. We will all protect you. I dont think there is a single one of us that could ever risk losing you again." I whispered and she smiled.

Right after she finally calmed down, loud knocks banged against the door and Rize squeaked.
"RIZE!" her kidnapper yelled and I noticed how Rize began to shake.

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