chapter 3

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@innocent_neko made rin and owns her. She will be one of laitos love interests. She may also come back as his main later on
There are more ocs in here


I was bored, when wasnt I though, and playing with a pencil when I saw her. It wasnt like this was the first time I saw her, I'd known her name for a while. I'd had my eyes on her for longer then that.
Her name was Rin.
She was only 15 but at first glance not everyone would think she was that young. She was rather short, shorter than me with long dark hair.
"Laito? Hello?" She called and I guess she had noticed my staring cause she was waving her hand in my face. I smirked and grabbed her hand making her squeak.
She was very beautiful. I knew for a fact she mist have a least a tiny crush on me and I believed I could enjoy a date. Of course it would only be a date this time but I didnt mind.

I sighed as I waited, my chin resting on the palm of my hand. Waiting, I found, was rather boring. I just wished my friends would have been there already.
Although 'he' had taken me oh so long ago, I did make 3 friends rather quickly. Those three friends where my lifeline. I didnt think I could stand life here without Luke, Lyric, and Airi.
A rare treat was gracing us today as I had been allowed to leave without any supervision. 'He' had allowed me to go out with my friends today as a late birthday gift. He never usually let me out so I had to hold myself together to make the most of this day.
I honestly hated 'him' and even though I had no supervision, I feared leaving. I knew trying to escape could have many consequences, including my friends lives and- 'hers' if he found her.

Suddenly there was a poke on my left shoulder, snapping from my daze. I turned and smiled. Luke had been the one to poke me but our friends where right behind him.
"Hey guys." I raised a hand and waved weakly. Luke, the only friend to actually know my situation as he overheard me crying about it when we were younger, frowned and put a hand on my shoulder to comfort me. The others didnt question it, it wasnt a rare occurrence anymore.
"Hey Rize," Lyric grinned her bright grin and I couldnt help but smile wider, her happiness contagious. I grabbed her hand a squeezed it before we both started laughing.
"I cant wait! Let's get going!" I laughed tugging her along. Luke and Airi followed although soon the others where ahead of Luke and I. Once they where he turned and stared me directly in the eyes.
"I'll help you escape if you need me to. No one is watching your every move. You could finally be free." Luke grabbed my hand as we both continued.
"Yes but at what cost? What would he do to you, Lyric, Airi, or 'her'? If he learned you helped me, he would kill you Luke." I whispered and he stopped walking all together, tightening his grip on my hand so I stopped walking as well.
"I'd die if it meant you could be safe, if you could be free. I'd die to make sure everyone else was safe."

I knew he wasnt lying when he looked up with tears in his eyes.

And I also knew he wouldnt take no for an answer for much longer.

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