Chapter 5

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Good news. With this rewrite I'm finding myself loving every word I'm writing and finding rewriting this so eeasily again so I should thank everyone who continued to comment and vote throughout the stories hiatus because now I'm seeing so many places this story could go again.

I frowned in shock. Luke. How did you find a way for my brothers to find me? Was this even your doing or did you just help someone else?
How was this even possible? He had hidden me away for so long and even Luke didnt know who my brother were. One thing I had realized just now is that Luke couldnt have done this without someone's help. Who was it?

Three hours earlier
I frowned. Rize. That was the name they kept saying over and over again. Rize, their sister. Rize Sakamaki.
I hurried into Ayatod room and snagged his computer from the desk. I sat on his bed and quickly searched her up.

'Rize Sakamaki'
Many, many articles appeared so I clicked on the top one and as soon as it pulled up I was in shock.

'Rize Sakamaki was the youngest of seven Sakamaki children and the only girl. It was believed she was kidnapped by her grandfather, a blackmarket runner who was called, the blackmarket King.
It was later determined it could not have been him who kidnapped her.'
I frowned. Then read it again. I blinked and then read it again. She had been, kidnapped? What? Wasnt this like the hardest place to break into?
I pulled out of the website just to see something new appear.

'Rize: Kidnapped'

I clicked on it and saw a photo of a guy with his arm around a dark haired girl.

'For anyone searching for a missing and kidnapped Rize, I have a best friend who was kidnapped by her grandfather as a child. I know nothing of her family but maybe someone who is looking for her might find this. Please, help me get her home'

So she was at her grandfather's. I typed a quick reply saying I knew her brothers before searching up Rize's gsrandfather.

"Ayato!" I ran out of the room in a hurry with three different tabs open. When I spotted him I showed him the original article, the post from the friend, and the kidnappers current address. He took the computer and smiled.
Ayato sat down quickly and stared at the computer in shock, grasping my hand tightly.
"Rize." He whispered in awe. I smiled at him and squeezed his hand in some attempt of comfort.
"We can save her Ayato." I soothed and he nearly sobbed. He raised a hand to his mouth before turning to me and pulling me both onto his lap and into a hug.
"My sister. We can save my sister." He whispered.

Current time
I hid my face from him to hide my real reaction.
"I didnt know. I didnt tell anyone and made no attempt to find then," I lied and he narrowed his eyes before grabbing my shoulder and tugging me up.
"Well now you do and let me assure you, I wont let you leave. Stay in this room and if i catch you gone I will kill you. And I know your lying, one of those dumb friends knows about this and when I find out who I will kill them as well. Understand?" He shoved me into my room but before I could respond he had slammed the door shut in my face. I responded quietly with a yes and soon loud footsteps echoed down the hall.
I heard a small noise from my closet and turned before sinking to the floor. Did they actually find me? Oh god. I could finally be free. Please, oh please, Subaru, Ayato, Shu, Reiji, Kanato, and Laito. Oh god please save me.

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