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    After two days, Paul got out of the hospital and came home. I felt my stomach doing knots as I knocked on his door. He told me to come in, and I opened it slowly. He looked up at me and smiled.
   "Lizzie?" He asked, and I took a breath, this would be harder than I thought.
   "Paul, can we take a walk?" I asked, and he looked at the clock on the wall.
   "It's 11 P.M." Paul said, and I shrugged.
   "So?" I said, and he stood up and grabbed a coat. We walked out and down the dimly lit street, admiring the stars.
   "Paul, we need to talk," I said, and he gulped.
   "Okay," he said, and I took a deep breath before beginning.
   "I need you to let me go," I pleaded, and he stopped walking, and so did I.
   "I've tried, but I'll always love you, Lizzie. Can't you see that?!" He asked, and tears began to fall.
   "Paul, forget me! Stop holding on to the past!" I shouted, and he rushed forward and kissed me passionately. I pulled away, and he turned around, clenching his fists and turned back to me in anger.
    "Tell me that you don't love me! Tell me now, and I'll never bother you again!" He shouted, and I stepped towards him, kissing him with feeling. He kissed me back, and the void in my chest had finally been filled.
    "I do love you," I said, and we walked home. He went into his room, and I went to George's.
    "Oh, Lizzie, hi!" George said, and he set down his guitar. I felt tears fall from my eyes.
    "George, I did something bad," I said quietly, and he opened his arms to me. I let him embrace me, and the tears kept falling.
    "It couldn't have been that bad," George reasoned, and I stopped crying to tell him.
    "Me and Paul kissed. I was trying to tell him to let go, and it just happened in the moment," I said quickly, and George sighed.
    "Maybe you need to let go," he said, and I cried silently.
    "I've tried," I said, and he looked down and into my eyes.
    "No, let go of me. It's always been him, Liz," George said, and I looked up at him.
    "No, George, don't say that! I love you," I said, and he smiled sadly.
    "I know you do, Liz," he said, and he let me go.
    "Please don't do this," I whispered quietly, and his eyes were glassy.
    "Goodbye, Lizzie," he said, and I sobbed but backed away.
    "Goodbye, George. I love you forever," I said sadly, and tears rolled silently down both of our cheeks.
   "I love you forever too, Lizzie," he said, and I walked of the room.
HOLY fuck, are you crying too?

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