Chapter 5

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Hello again!! It me Light! I hope you don't mind my chapters T.T I have a friend who totally ruined this story.. But I will not let it bother me xD because she is also a fan girl :3 ~light


"Wake up Janie." Kurapika says. I roll over and ignore him. He starts shaking me.

"I'm dead.. Now leave me here" I say. He looks confused. He must not know anyone else that sleeps in.

"Come on! We're gonna be late for school!!"

"Fine" I say dragging myself off the bed and getting ready.

We head out the door and toward the school. There was just silence the whole time.
I made it on time for once. Fathead Dr. Eggman seemed happy. The school day goes normal except people are keeping there distance from me.

Bringggg! The school bell rings. I was so glad that the day was over. I could just relax now.

I walk over to my locker and pack my things. I put my backpack on close my locker and see Kurapika on the other side. I scream.

"What wrong?!" He asks.

"N-nothing, I just didn't know you were there.."


A feel someone put there hand on my .shoulder. I turn my head. There is a woman with long black hair and very hard brown eyes. I should actually say eye because one is covered up by her bangs.

I automatically remember her. She was the one that survived the explosion a few houses down.

"Hello, Janie.." She says staring at Kurapika. It is definitely not a nice look.

"Hi Rythem!" I shout.

"R-Rythem.." Kurapika says. He stares at her distastefully.

"Hello, Kurapika... Mind if I take your Kurta friend for a while?" Rythem asks smirking.

"Kurta???" He responds.

"She didn't tell you?!" She shouts.

"Uh... Um" I stutter grabbing Rhythm's wrist and running outside. We keep running till Kurapika turns away.

I look around "We ended up in a forest?!"

"Yep..." Rythem says.


"Why didn't you tell him?!" She says.


"I work at the same job.."

"Prove it!"

"Don't you notice my hands?" She says holding them up. They were covered in bloody bandages.

"Oh... How did that happen?!"

"We work as bodyguards, protecting Neon Nostrade."

"Oh okay... Do you know how he used those chains?! He healed my hands instantly! He didn't tell me how they worked"



"Yes, Nen!" She says as her hands start to glow. She pokes new and I fly into a tree. "Would you like to learn more about how to use it?"

I stand up smiling. "Yes"

Rythem laughs and tells me everything she knows about it.

Kurapika POV

Is Janie a Kurta? If she is why didn't she tell me? And how does Rythem know Janie?! I really hate Rythem... She is always on the opposite side of me. I want revenge but she is always, always against it!

Janie POV

"Like this!!!?" I say looking at the aura flowing around me.

"Exactly" Rythem smirks. "You are a quick learner it's only been a few minutes... You must be careful how you use it.. Meet me here every evening and I will train you."

"OSU! Also why were you at my school????"

"Ha! I was following Kurapika" she smirks "but then I saw you!"

"Kurapika? Why?!'

"To make sure he wasn't bring stupid!! Or selfish... Now stop being jealous!"

"Urk... Shutup" I retort.

I turn around and head home to a not very happy Kurapika.


Just so you know Rythem is not Melody! They are completely different people, plus Kurapika does not hate Melody ~Light

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