Talking to a friend..

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Gwen's point of view

When I ran out of the bathroom I decided to skip school. I still can't believe Courtney would kiss Duncan! That's so uncool it burns! I growled as I thought that, I ran into my room crying on my bed, I wiped my tears away and then I decided to text my best friend.

Gwen: Hey Bridgette you wanna talk? I skipped school because Courtney kissed Duncan..

Bridgette: You skipped school? And Courtney kissed Duncan!? I knew he wasn't good enough for you!

Gwen: I know and I can't believe her! Now I hate her even more!

Bridgette: I know that you still hate Courtney about the whole chart thing but that doesn't mean you should hate her forever..

Gwen: Are you just saying this because Courtney is your best friend?

Bridgette: Well um maybe but your also my best friend!

Gwen: Well that's ok since she's really your best friend I just don't know what to do..

Bridgette: Well if I were you I would apologize to Courtney for avoiding her all day and to start over as friends again

Gwen: That's great advice! Thanks Bridgette! Your the bestest friend I've ever had! Just don't tell Leshawna that though

Bridgette: Haha ok I won't tell her and any time you need advice just ask me

Gwen: I will thanks Bridgette! Gotta go!

I putted my phone away man it was great to talk to Bridgette, she's really an amazing friend.. I smiled at the thought

Hey guys! Sorry that there's no cliffhanger I just thought I wanted less drama this chapter well cuz I don't really know why lol.

Thanks for reading, take care guys!

I still love you.. {Duncney}    [May Continue]Where stories live. Discover now