WAY more drama..

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Courtney's point of view

I gasped again seeing who it was "Heather.." I mumbled with a growl "Courtney.." Heather mumbled with a growl as well. "Whoever knew that a C.I.T would want to lose a lot, seriously though your parents must be SOO disappointed in you!" Heather chuckled with a smirk as I growled "Um excuse me Blaineley? May I go to the restroom?"

I asked Blaineley raising my hand up politely "Um that's Ms. Blaineley to you!" Blaineley snapped. "Hah as if we would call you 'Ms. Blaineley!' Even though your our teacher doesn't mean you have to boss us around! Also whoever knew that you had a Chris McLean shrine" Heather snorted as I did a chuckle as Blaineley growled

"Also can I go to the restroom Blaineley?" Heather asked "Not until you both say 'Ms. Blaineley' or else you girls won't be able to go to the restroom" Blaineley told us while folding her arms. Me and Heather rolled our eyes "May we go to the restroom Ms. Blaineley?" Me and Heather both asked "Hm let me think about it.. how about NO!"

Blaineley told us as we both ran to the restroom "Hey! Get back here girls!" Blaineley yelled as we stopped at the restroom "Now what was I gonna do again? Oh right! Now I remember" I said calmly then I tackled Heather hitting her as she started to hit me back. "This is for trying to steal my boyfriend!"
Heather yelled as she then tackled me and then slapped me

"Ow! I did not try to steal him! He was manipulating me!" I growled as I slapped Heather back. We were gonna hit each other again but before we could hit each other Duncan grabbed me as Alejandro grabbed Heather as we both tried to hit each other. "Let me at her! Let me at her!" I growled at Duncan "I need to get back at her for trying to steal my boyfriend!"

Heather growled at Alejandro which made Alejandro gasp "I knew you still cared about me" Alejandro said in a flirtatious voice as Heather stopped trying to hit me as I did the same. "I do not care about you!" Heather growled at Alejandro as Alejandro smirked then he pulled Heather into a kiss.

 "I do not care about you!" Heather growled at Alejandro as Alejandro smirked then he pulled Heather into a kiss

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"Ugh they are so gross!" I gagged as Duncan pulled me into a kiss.

I saw Gwen about to go to the restroom but before she went in there she saw me and Duncan kiss

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I saw Gwen about to go to the restroom but before she went in there she saw me and Duncan kiss.. "I KNEW YOU STILL LIKED HIM! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" Gwen screamed at me as she stood up to me as Duncan pulled away from the kiss. "Wait no Gwen I can explain!" I said to Gwen walking to her "Leave it!"

Gwen growled as she left. I looked at Duncan annoyed then kicked him in the kiwis. "What the heck is wrong with you!? First you break up with Gwen for me, second you ruined my friendship with Gwen again, and then you kiss me!?" I growled kicking Duncan in the kiwis again. "Well it seemed like you enjoyed the kiss" Duncan smirked as I blushed

"Um.. as if! I would never enjoy a kiss with you!" I said stuttering with a growl "I knew it! You still loved me!" Duncan chuckled as I growled then I walked into class.

*one hour later..*

The bell rung and finally I was able to go home! Once again not knowing where I was going I bumped into someone.. "Huh? Oh hey Courtney" I gasped realizing who it was as they smirked at me..

Haha! Once again another cliffhanger! Anyways who do you guys think it is? I'm guessing that you'll never know who it is! Comment if you think you know the answer!

Thanks for reading, take care guys!

I still love you.. {Duncney}    [May Continue]Where stories live. Discover now