Our Friendship Remains

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Courtney's point of view

I'm so glad that me and Gwen are best friends again! Well actually we're friend-ish but I can live with that "So you wanna watch a movie or something?" Gwen asked as I nodded "Wanna watch a scary movie?" Gwen asked with a evil smirk as I looked at her nervously "Uh no thanks.. I'm just gonna go over here, k?" I told Gwen as she looked at me

Gwen ran up to me grabbing my hand, pulling me to the couch "Oh no, your going to watch one with me" Gwen told me "Why would I do that if someone forced me?" I asked her annoyed as she rolled her eyes "I'll give you 10 bucks" Gwen told me with a smile, I was about to say something but I didn't "Fine.." I said giving in as she smiled at me

"Cool, you want Hot Cheetos?" She asked me as I nodded "Ok, I'm gonna pour some in a bowl for us to share" Gwen told me as I nodded again. Gwen putted the bowl that had Hot Cheetos on the table in front of me as I took one, Gwen also got a disk that said Goosebumps "We're watching Goosebumps?" I asked scared

"What? You don't think that you can handle it? Remember it's for 10 bucks" Gwen told me waving the 10 bucks in my face "Ok, ok, ok! I'll watch this movie with you" I sighed grabbing a blanket as Gwen did the same sitting next to me "So were friends right?" I asked nervously "Well yeah you could say we're friend-ish, if that's ok with you."

Gwen told me "That's ok! I get it if you want to be friend-ish and I totally understand" I told Gwen as we both smiled okay I was lying of course! I don't want to be friend-ish! I want to be friends! But I understand so yeah I smacked my head ugh what am I doing? I'm all of a sudden confessing stuff in my head! Ugh and now I'm doing it again

I smacked my head again as Gwen looked at me "Uh is everything ok Courtney? You keep smacking your head" Gwen told me as I nodded nervously "Anyways.. let's watch the movie!" I said excitedly "Wow Courtney Barlow excited for a scary movie?" Gwen asked "Hey! I can be into scary movies also! I hope.."

I told her but I said the last part scared as Gwen chuckled

After the movie..

"W-wow that was really scary.." I said scared under the blanket "That was awesome!" Gwen said excitedly jumping up and down off the couch, she then realized what she was doing then she stopped looking down annoyed of what she did. I chuckled at this as she looked at me "What?" She asked "That was really unusual of you, I can't believe you actually did that"

I told her as she chuckled nervously "Hey! I can be excited like other girls! But I don't think it's in my DNA" Gwen sighed looking away from me as I smiled at her "Being a girl is in your DNA, you just have to act like it" I told her as she looked at me "I dunno.. what if people make fun of me?" Gwen asked

"Nobody will make fun of you because.. I'll always be here for you" I told her hugging her as she gasped with a smile "Awe Courtney.. I'll always be here for you also!" Gwen told me hugging me back "Are we best friends again?" I asked her as I pulled away from the hug "Of course!" She told me hugging me as I hugged her back yay we're best friends again!

Again wasn't that a wonderful ending for Gwen and Courtney? But don't worry, I'm not gonna make it all of Courtney and Gwen. Remember it is a CourtneyXDuncan fanfic, so there will be romance!

Thanks for reading, take care guys!

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