Going to apologize (Part 1)

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Gwen's point of view

I was going to text Courtney but then the doorbell ranged, I went downstairs as I opened the door seeing Duncan "Ugh what do you want?" I asked him annoyed as he smiled at me while walking up to me "What are you doing-" He stopped me by him kissing me, I was then shocked but I kissed him back.

I was going to text Courtney but then the doorbell ranged, I went downstairs as I opened the door seeing Duncan "Ugh what do you want?" I asked him annoyed as he smiled at me while walking up to me "What are you doing-" He stopped me by him kissin...

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"Look I know that I was stupid to not give you anything for Valentine's Day and I'm really sorry, also I'm sorry for not seeing that your better than Courtney" Duncan told me as I looked down "What do I have that Courtney doesn't? She's beautiful but look at me.. I'm just a goth girl that everyone just hates.." I told him

"Your more than a goth girl, your the goth girl who I truly love more than anything." Duncan told me putting my head up as we both smiled at each other, he kissed me again as I kissed him back. "And besides Courtney is just a girl who just likes to boss everyone around" Duncan said as we both chuckled "Heh yeah you are correct Courtney really likes to boss people around"

I said with a chuckle "Although she is hot.." Duncan mumbled but what he didn't know was that I heard him ugh seriously!? "Uh what did you say?" I asked him backing away from him looking mad at him "Uh I said that your really hot" Duncan told me nervously as I did a fake smile he is such a horrible liar! "Thanks your hot to" I told him kissing him

"So are we back together again?" Duncan asked "Totally" I replied as we both kissed again

Courtney's point of view

I should really go and apologize to Gwen.. kissing Duncan was a horrible mistake! I mean seriously, he kissed me! I walked to Gwen's house as I knocked on the door, she didn't answer so I just opened the door seeing Duncan and Gwen holding hands.. I gasped wait why am I shocked? I already have a boyfriend!

Gwen and Duncan turned to me "What do you want? And why are you here?" Gwen asked me as I rubbed my arm "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for kissing Duncan.. I'm really sorry and-" Gwen did something to me which really shocked me..

Hey guys it's me again and I just wanted to say I'm so so so so so so so sorry that I haven't posted in a while! Like I said I'm just really busy with my pet guinea pig and with school so that's why, hope that you guys understand!

Thanks for reading, take care guys!

I still love you.. {Duncney}    [May Continue]Where stories live. Discover now