Courtney's point of viewI gasped seeing who it was.. I tried to apologize but she just turned away which made me frown. I sighed sadly as she walked inside the school, I guess I deserved that.. for what I did to her.. she'll never forgive me.. I looked down sadly at the thought. I bumped into another person "Ugh Harold! Watch it doofus!" I gasped again seeing who it was "Duncan.."
I mumbled starting to get angry "Oh hey princess, didn't see ya there" Duncan said nervously rubbing his neck. "Don't call me princess!" I growled getting up in his face as he rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Look, I know that you still like me admit it" Duncan said flirting walking up to me, I growled as I kicked him in the kiwis
"I knew that you still like me" Duncan said in a high pitched voice as I rolled my eyes "Shut up! Aren't you with Gwen?" I asked folding my arms "I am?" Duncan asked as I nodded "Oh right!" Duncan chuckled nervously as I rolled my eyes again "Hey Gwen!" Duncan called out to Gwen. "Ya? What is it?" Gwen asked Duncan then she looked at me "Oh hey Courtney"
Gwen said not excited "I just wanted to tell you.. that.. I'm breaking up with you.." Duncan told Gwen as me and her gasped "Wait what!? Why?" Gwen asked folding her arms angry "Cuz I don't love you anymore.. I love Courtney" Duncan told Gwen. Gwen glared at me as I gulped "Ugh and you still wanted to be friends huh? Well it doesn't seem like it since your trying to convince him to break up with me!"
Gwen growled as she stood up in front of me angry as I took a step back. "Wait! No Gwen that's not it! I'm not trying to convince him to break up with you I swear!" I explained but she just scoffed "Whatever.." Gwen mumbled "Actually she didn't convince me, I started to not love you ever since 2 years ago" Duncan told Gwen as she growled
"So then why haven't you broken up with me yet!?" Gwen yelled as she stood up in front of Duncan which made him back up scared. "Because I knew that you would react like this! Your always not caring about me! Your always caring about Trent! But I cared about you!" Duncan yelled back "Hah! Says the guy that on last Valentines Day who mailed love notes to Courtney and didn't even give me anything!"
Gwen yelled as tears dripped down her cheeks. "Y-you did that for me?" I asked Duncan trying to not get Gwen mad but she just glared at me "I was the one who cares about you! But all you care about is Courtney!" Gwen cried as she pointed at me "Well at least I haven't been all boring lately!" Duncan yelled as he stood up in front of Gwen again.
Gwen backed up as more tears were dripping down her cheeks "That's it! We're over!" Gwen yelled, she kicked him in the kiwis then she left crying. "Your such a jerk! I can't believe you hurted my best friends feelings!" I growled at Duncan "Says the girl who didn't stop to eliminate her own best friend!" Duncan scoffed as I gasped then Duncan walked away.. it is true.. I didn't stop to eliminate her..
*ring ring!*
Great! Now I'm late to class! I growled as I ran to Drama I can't believe Duncan made me late! But luckily I was able to make it to Drama I was gonna sit down but someone grabbed my shoulder and pulled me to them "Courtney Barlow! Is that you?" I turned around seeing the person who I didn't want to see..
Hahaha! Another cliffhanger! Sorry but I'm starting to love doing these! 😂 anyways can you guess who it is? Comment if you think you know the answer!Thanks for reading, take care guys!

I still love you.. {Duncney} [May Continue]
FanfictionMany years have passed and Courtney still can't forget about Duncan and Gwen's kiss.. she really hates Duncan but Duncan still loves her.. Courtney and Gwen's friendship has ended ever since Total Drama All-Stars but what will happen to Duncan and C...