Going to apologize (Part 2)

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Courtney's point of view:

Gwen actually hugged me.. she actually hugged me.. "Look you could say that I'm a little bit mad at you still.. but I also wanted to say I'm sorry for avoiding you these past days.. and I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry and that I really want to become best friends again."' Gwen told me as I hugged her back

"I'm sorry also that I made that stupid chart
thing.. I was just focused on winning and what I didn't focus on was my best friend who was you.." I told her as we pulled away from our hug "Oh and good news! You may not like the news and I'm sorry but me and Duncan are back together again!" Gwen told me as I gasped as Duncan rubbed his hair and as Gwen rubbed her arm.

"You.. guys.. are.. together.. a-again?.." I asked starting to get dizzy "Uh yeah.. and uh are you ok Courtney? You look like that your about to faint!" Gwen told me as I then fainted.. "Courtney!" Was all I could hear from Duncan and Gwen

Gwen's point of view

Everything was going good but when Courtney heard that me and Duncan were back together she looked like she was about to faint "Uh yeah.. and uh are you ok Courtney? You look like that your about to faint!" I told Courtney as she then fainted "Courtney!" Me and Duncan exclaimed as she fell on the ground "Courtney? Courtney!"

Duncan said carrying Courtney in bridal style which I was to be honest a little jealous about.. I did a glare at him as he chuckled nervously "Don't worry Gwen I'm not falling for Courtney again and making the same mistake as last time." Duncan told me as I did a small smile, Duncan putted Courtney on the couch as we both looked at her

"Do you think that she'll be ok?" I asked worried as Duncan putted his arm around me "Don't worry Gwen, she's Courtney she'll be ok alright" Duncan told me as I did a fake smile ugh I know that he's pretending to love me just to make Courtney jealous! He's such a jerk! A couple of minutes later I sat next to Courtney as Duncan sat next to me

"Ugh Gwen? Duncan? What happened?"
Courtney asked "You fainted when you heard about me and Duncan getting back together" I told her "Please don't get mad" I said nervously rubbing my arm "Oh well it's fine, because I have a boyfriend already which is Scott if you don't already know" Courtney told us as Duncan did a frown as I glared at him

"Duncan, can I talk to you?" I asked Duncan annoyed "Uh sure" Duncan said "Be right back Courtney" I told Courtney as she nodded with a smile "Make yourself at home" I told her again as she nodded again, I grabbed Duncan's ear going to the kitchen "Ow! Look, what's wrong with you?" Duncan asked

"What's wrong with me? Ugh how about what's wrong with YOU?" I told him angry as he looked guilty "What's with your guilty face?" I asked him "Ok don't be mad but I love Courtney still" Duncan confessed as I did a mad face looking away from him "Get out.." I told him "What?" He asked

"I said get out! If you like her then leave me alone! Your just trying to make her jealous!" I told him pushing him out the door "Wait Gwen please I'm sorry I-" Courtney cut him off by kicking him in the kiwis "How dare you break my best friend's heart! You'll never change Duncan!" Courtney yelled at Duncan as he did a frown

"Courtney? Can you please shut the door?" I whispered at Courtney as she nodded and as she shut the door on Duncan, I cried on the ground while hitting the ground "Gwen I'm really sorry about whatever happened with you and Duncan when you were talking with him" Courtney told me putting her arm on my shoulder

"He told me that he liked you still and I realized that he was being together with me just to make you jealous" I told Courtney as she gasped "I knew that he wouldn't change! He's such a jerk to let you go for me" Courtney told me as I looked at her "I knew that he would leave me for you because your beautiful and awesome and everyone loves you but look at me.. I'm just me.."

I told her as she shook her head "That's not true your beautiful and awesome to and everyone loves you also" Courtney told me as I smiled at her "Awe thanks Courtney, your an amazing friend!" I told her as I hugged her "So friends?" Courtney asked "Of course! Friends forever!" I told her as she hugged me back

Aww wasn't that cute for Courtney and Gwen? For Duncan not so much, anyways he got what he deserved.

Thanks for reading, take care guys!

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