Chapter 1 | Hello again

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It has been a full year since Max last saw his old friends from Camp Campbell. He is now 11,  and it is once again summer.

That means, he has to go to camp again.

To be completely honest, he isn't exactly dreading it. He is rather excited to see Neil again.

Oh, and Nikki. Let's not forget her.

Max finishes packing his bag when his mom comes into his room.

"Alright, twerp. Time to get you to camp."

She may seem nice, but she isn't the nicest when she is drunk.

Max grabs his bag and starts walking to the run down Toyota that his mom is already getting started.

"Ok, shit head, let's go."

She drives Max all the way to the bus stop, which is about a mile away and drops him off without any goodbyes.

To bad he's used to it.

He gets on the bus.

Except for the Quarter Master, Max is the only one on the bus.

This makes him somewhat happy, being completely alone.

Max looks out the window and starts thinking about last year.

He thought about the first time he ever stepped foot in that hellhole. He smirked at the memories of meeting David for the first time and "accidentally" kicking Gwen in the shin. Good times that will hopefully never happen ever again.

After a little bit of driving, the bus stops and Space Kid, Dolf and some new kid all get on the bus. Max stares at the kid. They seem to be neither male nor female, though they sort of have more feminine traits than they do male.

The new kid was sitting behind him while Space Kid and Dolf sat way in the front.

After some more driving the rest of the campers had gotten on, including another new kid who sat next to the other one. Neil and Nikki were the only ones who haven't gotten on yet. Their bus stop would be next, though.

Eventually the bus stopped in a small and run down neighborhood to let two kids on the bus.

Max tried to hide his excitement as Neil sat next to him and Nikki sat in the seat in front of them.

"Hey Max! It's been forever since we last saw each other! So, how was school?"

Nikki stood on her seat, still as small as ever, and eagerly awaiting Max's answer.

Max kept an uninterested face.

"As awful and shitty as ever. How about you?"

Nikki began talking about how she went into the woods by her school and accidentally got lost and stayed with a wolf pack for a few days.

Neil just sat there, side glancing at Max every once in a while.

Max pretended not to notice and half listened, half stared out of the window and think about certain things and certain people.

After a while of small talk and awkward glances, the bus finally pulled up in front of camp.

Max heard a familiar voice and then a much more familiar scream as the bus stopped and comedically hit David.

The Quarter Master stepped out of the bus.

"The kids are here." He said gruffly, before he walked away to do whatever it is that he did.

Everyone got out including two new kids who stuck together.

David told everyone to go to their tents as he showed the new kids around with Gwen.

"Howdy kids. Remember me?" Came a sickeningly familiar voice from behind Max and his two friends as they started walking to their tent.

They slowly turned around.

"Oh hell no!"

A/N: I'm sorry for the short chapter, I'll try to make the next one longer. I promise.

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