Chapter 3 | Counselor Bonding

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David pulled Jasper around camp, looking for Daniel.

Daniel and Jasper haven't met yet, so David was excited to introduce the two to one another.

Jasper kept pointing out old things that he remembers from his days at camp, joking around with David about all of the old memories they had together. 

Eventually they did find Daniel by the mess hall. He was taking notes on the food. 'Probably to see how delicious it is!' David thought.

Jasper looked at the David look alike with a bit of skepticism. Nobody looks that much like someone without either being related or being a stalker.

Or a super creepy cult leader, but why would a cult leader be at this completely harmless camp that totally doesn't have a kinky sex island, super ugly and competitive neighbors, and crazy kids. Honestly, who would ever come up with the idea of a cult leader coming to a completely harmless and innocent camp?

"Hey there Daniel! I see your taking interest in the Quarter Master's food. It's really good." David said, coming to a halt beside the all-white-wearing-weirdo look alike. He was still holding on to Jasper's arm.

Daniel smiled. "Yup. Just making sure that the kids will like it. Which I'm sure they will."

Jasper found Daniel's voice weird. It sounded like David's voice, but less cheery and much deeper.


But oddly hot. (<My own thoughts tbh)

"Well Daniel, I have a special someone for you to meet!" David chuckled, waving towards Jasper.

Jasper waved slightly.

Daniel looked at Jasper. He didn't see Jasper as someone that he would dislike so much in the future. Daniel just saw him as another person in-between him and David.

Daniel stuck his hand out.

"Howdy-do Jasper? It's such a pleasure to meet you."

Jasper took Daniel's hand and shook it.

"It's nice to meet you, too. I guess." Jasper muttered the last part, letting go of the pale hand.

David began talking about how all three of them would be working together and how it'll be so much fun to have more counselors etc etc.

Jasper wasn't really listening. He was looking from David to Daniel, looking at the way Daniel looked at David and how much they looked alike.

The way Daniel looked at David was weird. His facial expression is normally very unnaturally happy and it's super creepy. But when he looks at David, he softens up a bit. But it's still super creepy because there is some sort of longing in his eyes. Like a strange and psychopathic hunger for David.

"Weird" Jasper says under his breath.

"Well, c'mon you two! You still don't know the two new campers!" David began leading them to the area in which all of the tents are for the kids to sleep in.

Outside of one tent stood two kids, a girl and a person that has no apparent gender.

The girl seemed anxious while the... Kid didn't seem to care too much.

"Sam! Lillian! Come meet the other two counselors!"

The two campers looked over and walked to David and the other two counselors - who were busy studying one another.

"Sam, Lillian, these are the other two counselors that will be helping me and Gwen out around camp! The handsome blonde is Daniel,"

"Howdy-do kids." Daniel said, waving.

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