Chapter 5| hiking sucks

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  Max followed David, Jasper, and Daniel into the woods. He expected Nikki and Neil to follow so he didn't look back. He was also trying to hide the stupid smile on his face.

  He had no clue as to why he was smiling, he just felt like smiling when around Neil. Max found it really stupid and annoying. You know, cause he's Max.

  Nikki ran ahead of Max and began climbing various trees, not listening when Jasper told her multiple times to "get down from there and stay on the trails."

Neil caught up to Max and walked beside him. He didn't say anything, but instead continuously glanced over at the small pessimistic child.

  "Hiking sucks. We could be enjoying our day doing nothing! But no, now we have to walk around through the forest and be bombarded by mosquitoes!" Max complained.

  Neil nodded, "ya. I was really looking forward to having the day dedicated to us doing nothing." He was holding the straps of his backpack and squeezing them, hoping he hadn't said anything wrong.
(Me 24/7 ^^^)

  Max nodded and shoved his hands into his hoodie pocket.

  David suddenly stopped Daniel and Jasper, causing the rest of the campers to have to stop. He brought a finger to his lips, motioning for everyone to be quiet and then pointed into the woods.

  Jasper followed David's finger and gasped as he saw a deer. "Wow." He whispered.

  Daniel looked at the deer and smiled. He didn't really care, but it was a nice looking deer.

  Suddenly, Nikki dropped from a tree and landed on the deer. She let out some sort of war cry, "RAAAAAH!!"

  David screamed as Nikki half rode - half killed (?) the deer as it panicked and ran around the woods.

  Jasper looked in disbelief and shock while Daniel continued to smile and watched the show. He seemed to be thinking about something.

  Neil stared at Nikki and Max smiled. "I bet you she kills it." He says, elbowing Neil.

  Neil looked down at Max, "what will we do with a dead deer?"

  Max just shrugged.

  They heard laughing come from behind them and saw one of the new campers smiling and laughing.

  They ignored them and watched as the deer ran into a tree and must have passed out. Jasper ran over to it and grabbed Nikki. "Ok, so, you are not leaving mine or David's sight. Or Daniel's." He said, carrying Nikki over to the other counselors.

  "Aaawwwwww, but I was having fuuuun!" Nikki groaned.

  Jasper just shrugged and continued walking down the trail as if nothing ever happened.

  The campers followed the counselors. Nikki tried to get away from them, but Jasper had her hand in a death grip. And, Everytime she tried to run, Daniel would give her the I-will-murder-you-if-you-try-to-pull-that-bullshit-again kind of look.

  Max and Neil walked towards the end of the group and chatted about random things.

  It was mostly Neil who said everything as he went on about how stupid the school system is and how they are trying to make him stupider. Max barely listened and found himself staring at Neil, smiling at how passionate he is about the things he talks about.

  "What do you think Max?" Neil asked, snapping Max out of his daze.


  "What do you think about the school lunches?" Neil said slowly, as if Max wouldn't understand.

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