chapter 7: goodnight~

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A/N: before we start with this chapter I just wanna say how grateful I am for 200 votes on this book like holy shit that's a lot of votes. And over 3000 reads. It makes me feel like people actually really like my book. Thank you so much for reading! Now, onto your scheduled cringe!


"Alright campers time for bed." Daniel said, standing up. David and Jasper joined him and rounded the campers up and herded them back to their tents. Gwen walked off and disappeared into the counselors' cabin.

Max walked into his tent, followed by Neil. He took off his hoodie, revealing his yellow shirt, and threw it on his cot.

Neil sat down on his cot, replaying the scene from earlier by the campfire. They had successfully negotiated their smores stick back from Sam and finally made some edible s'mores. Without burnt fingers.

Max jumped on to his cot and sighed. He glanced over at Neil who was blushing slightly. Why is he blushing? And why is it cute? Wait - ew, I did not just say that! Max thought, groaning. He laid down on his bed and closed his eyes.

Neil looked over at Max and followed suite.

Unfortunately, neither of them could sleep.

"Hey, Neil, are you still awake?"

"God, Max, don't be that one person at a sleep over that's always asking if someone is awake."

"Sorry, I'm just bored and I can't sleep." Max grumbled. He sat up.

"Well neither can I, so." Neil sat up as well.

The boys stayed in a comfortable silence that you and I probably wouldn't understand because we don't completely understand the complexity of these two characters and what they mean for one another.

"... So about earlier...?" Max broke the silence.

"Sorry, it - it slipped I d-didn't mean to say it, s-sorry." Neil stuttered, blushing.

Max smirked, "You thing I'm cute? And how so?"

Neil stuttered even more. "W-well, i-i mean, y-ya. Wh-who wouldn't? You, you have something ab-about you that just seems.. g-gentle." He explained, his cheeks and ears growing hot.

Max nodded. "Huh... Gentle? I don't think I can see myself as a 'gentle' person. Care to explain?" Max questioned, looking at Neil.

Neil rubbed the back of his head. "Well, y-ya. Gentle. I guess it's the way you pretend you don't care but deep down you do. Or, you have a teddy bear that means a lot to you. Or maybe it's just the way you look. When you smile - and not one of your evil smiles - you look adorable. Especially with your fluffy hair and aquamarine eyes." Neil ranted, smiling and staring off into space.

Max blushed slightly but looked away. He'd die before letting Neil, or anyone really, know that he was blushing.

Neil blinked and looked down at his hands. "I'mma try and sleep again.." He laid down in his cot and closed his eyes, but they snapped back open.

Max nodded, "ya, me too. Night Neil." Max laid down but didn't close his eyes. Instead he thought. He looked over at Neil. He blushed at the thought but decided what the hell.

Max quietly got out of his cot and walked over to Neil's. He was holding Mr. Honey Nuts tightly and trying to hide his blushing face behind the teddy bear.

"Neil, can I sleep in your cot? I can't seem to sleep.." He said, his words slightly muffled by the stuffed bear.

Neil blushed but scooted over in his cot. "Ya, sure, ok. Go ahead."

Max climbed into the cot next to Neil and slipped under the blanket.

They laid as far apart from each other as possible, both not knowing what to do. They were blushing like mad.

Max sighed and decided to pretend he was asleep so Neil would spoon him. He closed his eyes and rolled over to be right against Neil. Neil blushed and looked down at Max.

Neil smiled and wrapped an arm around Max and played with his fluffy hair with the other. Max smirked as he was deemed victorious. He wrapped his arms around Neil's torso and buried his face into his chest.

Neil closed his eyes and buried his face in Max's hair, overwhelmed with his sent of coffee and cinnamon. "I love you Max..." He whispered, thinking Max was asleep.

"I love you, too, Neil.." Max replied sleepily, drifting off into sleep. Neil blushed as Max began to actually fall asleep. The tall boy smiled and fell asleep himself.

They slept like that without any interruptions for the rest of the night. Both had dreams of happy things that I don't care to list.

A/N: boy am I a sucker for happy endings. Also, I suck at fluff. Oh, and, this isn't the end I'm still going to be making more. Maybe. If not then I'll probably make a final chapter that says exactly how they spend the rest of their lives together. But anyways, I hope you liked this. Sorry it took so long to finish. Also this chapter is way to short, so, sorry.

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