chapter 6 | Marshmallows

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  "Alright campers, I got the fire going, now get your marshmallows and sticks ready!" Jasper said, standing in front of a roaring - but tamed - fire.

  The campers all sat around the fire, each with a stick and some marshmallows.

  David sat between Daniel and Jasper, talking to the two counselors.

  The two new kids sat together, quietly chatting.

  No one cares about the other campers so I'm not going to waste time on them.

  Max sat down on a log with Neil, Nikki leaving to sit with Nerris and the two new kids.

  Max and Neil didn't exactly care, they just sat close together with their marshmallow sticks over the fire.

  Were they too close? Nah. They were probably just trying to stay warm.

  "Max, your marshmallow is on fire..." Neil said, nudging Max lightly with his elbow.

  "Huh? Wha - oh. Uh, thanks." Max pulled his flaming marshmallow from the fire and blew on it.

  Neil grabbed the flaming stick and threw it in the river.

  "Hey! I was handling it!" Max protested.

  "It's fish food now."

  "I don't even care about the burnt marshmallow, but that was my marshmallow burning stick!" Max said, watching as the stick floated away with the current.

  Neil shrugged. "We could share mine."

  Max blushed lightly. "Uh, yeah, sure, whatever."

  They leaned in closer to each other and both grabbed hold of the stick.

  Neil put a second marshmallow on the stick and put it by the fire. Max tried to put the stick in the fire.

  "Max they're gonna catch on fire again."

  "Not unless we pull them out in time."

  "This is how your stick caught on fire."

  "But they'll take forever to cook if we leave it by the fire!"

  "No, watch, they're already turning brown. Now we just turn them." Neil turned the stick so the other side of the marshmallows were facing the fire.

  Max groaned as he waited for the treats to cook.

  Eventually the marshmallows we're evenly brown on either side.

  Max pulled the stick away from the fire, trying to grab one of the marshmallows.

  His hand instantly recoiled.


  Max held onto his hand, no longer holding the stick.

  Neil grabbed Max's hand with his free hand and looked at it.

  "It's nothing, Neil, just shocked me how hot it was. I'll live." Max protested.

  Neil didn't listen and continued to look at the slight burns on his fingers.

  "Doesn't look to bad, but it'll still sting for the next few hours. I suggest you put it in some cold water." Neil said, not looking away from Max's hand.

  By now, the marshmallow stick was leaning against the log the two boys we're sitting on and Neil had both his hands gently holding up Max's injured hand.

  Max groaned and rolled his eyes.


  "Yes, again, now come on." Neil said, standing up.

  He pulled Max with him and carefully held Max's hand as he lead the smaller boy to the cold water away from the fire.

  No one seemed to pay any attention to them.

  Max stuck his hand in the water and sighed in relief as his burning hand instantly cooled down.

  He smiled slightly as Neil watched, also smiling.

  Neil caught himself staring and blushed slightly. But he didn't look away.

  Max looked up at Neil and blushed, quickly looking back down.

  Neil continued to stare at Max.

  'Damn, when did he get super cute?' Neil thought.

  Too bad he accidentally said instead of thought.

  Max looked up at Neil, eyes wide and blushing like a tomato.


  Neil turned into a goddamn tomato with hair.


  They just stared there like that. Two tomatoes. Staring at each other. Wondering what the hell to do now.

  But really it's just the author wondering whether she should have them kiss or not.

  Max opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but closed it. His bright green eyes looked down at Neil's lips.

  Damn his lips looked soft and kissable right now.

  Neil stared at Max's eyes.

  Damn his eyes are beautiful.

  I mean, just look at that shade of green! It's unnaturally perfect!

  Max looked back up at Neil's hazel eyes and they once again sat there for what felt like eternity.

  Little did they notice that they were both leaning in.

  "Max!! Neil!! Either claim these marshmallows as yours or lose them, your choice!" Yelled Sam, grabbing the forgotten stick of marshmallows.

  Released from their trance, the gay boys quickly looked away from each other, blushing like hell.

  "... Alright, guess they're mine then." Sam said, taking the stick and making two perfect smores for themselves​.

  Max sighed. He got up and reach his burnt hand out to Neil.

  The nerd gratefully took the hand and got up, also sighing.

  They walked back over to the campfire and sat together, not even bothering with the marshmallows.

  They got tired but refused to leave as Preston and Harrison were running around doing magic and yelling Shakespeare and shit.

  Neither of the boys noticed Max laying on Neil's shoulder, just like neither of them noticed Neil's arm wrapping around the smaller boy.

  "Aaww, look at them! They're so cute!" Jasper whispered to David. David nodded.

A/N: ugh. Literally just a filler chapter with only a little bit of "wowie, they're growing closer!" And I also scratched at the fourth wall a bit so, clean up in aisle 4. Sorry it took so long. I have literally been feeling like utter shit lately. This is also shorter than previous chapters. Sorry!

*Adorable puppy breed of your choice brings you your favorite lollipop*

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