Chapter 8 | So, What Are We?

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  "I love you, Max." Neil whispered, thinking Max was asleep.

  "I love you too, Neil." Max replied, smiling.

  Neil woke up slowly to the normal wake up call from David. He didn't realize Max was on him until he tried to get up.

  The nerd looked down at Max, remembering the previous events. Neil blushed, but smiled lovingly down at the small boy. Max stayed asleep, hugging Neil like everything was okay. Like everything was normal.

  God, Niel thought, if only this could be normal. If only I could have Max all to myself every day. But, alas, Neil saw it as only a fantasy. He figured that once Max woke up, he wouldn't want to speak of any of this and completely act like it never happened. But hey, who knows? Maybe I'm thinking too much of Murdoc and 2D and completely forgot how these two characters act. Who knows?

  Neil lay back down, admitting defeat. Max still didn't stir. This was going to be annoying.

  After a while Max decided to wake from unconsciousness. He groaned and snuggled more into what he thought was Mr. Honeynuts, only to be proven wrong as he realized that his "teddy bear" was way to big and warm and didn't suddenly grow arms that hug you.

  Max's eyes shot open and he looked up at Neil, who had managed to lightly doze off. "Oh fuck..." Max whispered, blushing. This somehow managed to wake Neil.

  Max began to panic and fell out of bed. "Ow, shit!"

  Neil instantly sat up and looked around. It took him a second to see the smaller boy on the floor. "Um, are you ok, Max...?" He cautiously asked, looking down at the green eyed boy with concern.

  "Ya... Ya, I'm fine." Max grunted, getting up. He sighed and grabbed his jacket. Neil just watched him, wondering if he should say something.

  "So, uh, wh - .... Wanna go get some food?" Max said, catching himself before he asked a stupid question.

  Neil looked slightly disappointed but nodded anyway, "ya, sure, let's go." He got up and followed Max out of the tent.

  They went to the mess hall and quickly got some breakfast and coffee. They sat down alone in an awkward silence.

"So, uh.. Neil. What would you say our relationship is?" Max asked timidly.


  "What are we?" Max asked a tad bit more confidently.

  "Oh. Um. Well, I'm not really sure... Erm, wh - what do you want to be?" Neil asked. Both boys were blushing like mad. 

"Well, I mean. Something more than friends... ?" Max replied, not sure how to say his feelings.

  "Ya, ya ok. I..  I agree. I would like that. A lot." Neil said, sipping his coffee.

  Max nodded. "So, uh, we're...?"

  "Ya, we are..." Neil said.

  They smiled, knowing what each other meant. Yes, this may have seemed really awkward and tense, but, due to these two boys being who they are, I figured that would be best. The two boys smiled at each other and knew that they were more than just a fantasy. They knew that they finally had each other, even though they both thought it was nothing more than a stupid fantasy. Max knew, that despite his home issues and family problems and his own flaws, Neil would be there. And Neil knew, despite his little quirks and his parental problems and his weird habits, Max would still be there.

  Because they knew that they were the ones for each other. And everyone else knew that they were perfect for one another.

  Especially Preston because, let's face it, he's Preston.

  And so, the couple sat there in a peaceful, loving silence, and watched as the chaos of the camp failed to ruin their good mood. 

  David, Daniel, and Jasper watched the gay boys from across the mess hall. They all had a smile on their face.

  "Aren't they adorable?" Jasper asked his two boyfriend's.

  "Sure are, Jasp." David replied.

  Daniel just nodded, smiling.

  Gwen just looked up from her magazine and smirked. "Yup. The readers sure do think so."

  But nobody seemed to hear her except Space Kid, who just giggled and nodded.

A/N: that might just be the end. Ya, I know this took forever. Sorry m8, but school has just been a bitch. Anyways, here ya go. Here's the next chapter. And uh, just a heads up, I'm gonna be going through this book and editing it and maybe deleting the a/n chapters so, ya. I hope you liked this ultra cringy chapter. Please comment or vote or something. It means a lot. And I love reading y'all's comments, they are hilarious. Anyways, have a lollipop 🍭🍭🍭🍭

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