Chapter 2 | He returned

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  "Oh hell no!" Max yelled.

Neil screamed and Nikki growled.

The disgustingly familiar man loomed above them, dressed in the all too familiar white everything.

"Well, that's no way to greet a friend, now is it?" The ghastly man said, twisting his head to an inhumane angle.

"Wh- what the fuck are you doing here, Daniel!" Max shouted, obviously scared.

"Hey! Language!" Daniel said, looking just like David, except for his pure white everything and his blue eyes. As blue as the sky one could say.

Max, Nikki, and Neil all ran to the counselors cabin and began banging on the door, yelling about the returned cultist.

David opened the door, a cross look on his face.

"Well, this is really giving me some deja vu. Now what are you three going on about cult jokes already? It's the first day at camp. Not a day for your antics." He scolded.

"Goddammit David, you moron, Daniel's back!" Max yelled, pointing at the man standing behind them.

Daniel waved as he saw David look at him, a smile across his face.

David waved back.

"Now now kids, I am sick and tired of you being rude to Daniel. I know he seemed a bit... Too much last year, but trust me. I have spent the entire year with him and there isn't a single bad bone in his body!" David said, giving off that 'this-conversation-is-over' kind of look.

Max groaned and turned back to his friends. "I guess we're just gonna have to fend for ourselves, guys." He said as he walked to their tent.

Neil looked from David to Daniel, then to Max.

He decided to follow the smaller boy.

Nikki was glaring at Daniel. Though he kept his smile on, anyone could tell he was agitated by the kids' rudeness.

"Hey, um, M-Max, do you really think he changed?" Neil asked once they finally stepped inside of the tent.

"Of course he hasn't changed! Did you see how he acted? Absolutely nothing has changed, Neil!" Max shouted, throwing his arms in front of him as he sat on one of the 'beds'.

Neil nodded and sat on his own 'bed'. Nikki began to doodle on the white board that was still there from last year.

"Um, Davey? Who were the three kids that were banging on the door? They sounded like little shits."

It was an odd voice that the kids haven't heard before, though they feel like they should have heard it. They could also here David telling the odd voice to watch his language before yelling, "Kids, come here and meet our other new counselor!"

Max was first to come out, Nikki and Neil standing behind him.

They saw a man smaller than David and only a bit taller than Neil. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. His cheeks were dotted with freckles. He was wearing the Camp Campbell counselor shirt that Gwen and David wore and a similar handkerchief tied around his neck to the one that David wore. There was a purple hoodie tied around his waist and his purple-ish-blue shorts stood out quite a bit. But, his outfit weirdly looked right for him.

"Oh, Davey, are these the three that were banging on the door?" He said, not even trying to keep the annoyance from his voice.

"Yes they are, Jasper. The small one in the blue hoo-"

"I'm Max, that's Neil, and that's Nikki. Don't expect us to behave because we are here solely to wreak havoc and make your lives here in this camp a living hell. Got that, new guy?" Max sneered, cutting off David and pointing to his friends.

Neil and Nikki nodded.

Jasper frowned.

"Not very nice, huh Davey? Maybe they gotta be taught a lesson on how to treat their superiors?" The new counselor growled, crossing his arms.

David actually believed that Jasper was going to do something to punish the kids. He gained a genuine look of concern as he told Jasper, "Um, now now Jasper, no need to be so harsh, the kids are just - as one my many close friends has said - ragging on the new guy. I'm sure they'll lighten up on you."

Jasper didn't look convinced, but he let it go.

"So, David, why do we need more counselors?" Nikki asked.

David seemed to brighten up with the question.

"I am glad you asked, Nikki! You see, Gwen insisted that we get some help - especially after last year - and I just couldn't think of anyone better than my good, old friend, Jasper! He and I used to go to this camp together and he was the best camper there!"

David put a hand on the smaller counselor's shoulder and smiled.

Jasper also smiled. But not in the 'my-friend-is-super-nice' kind of a way, but instead in a 'my-friend-is-super-cute-and-I-like-him' kind of way.

The kids cought on to his facial expression but didn't say anything.

"So, now there are more idiots in charge here. Great." Max added an extra bit of sarcasm to the last part.

Jasper rolled his eyes as the forever ignorant and dense David smiled, "I'm glad to see you finally working up some enthusiasm about meeting new friends, Max!"

Max groaned, "moron."

"Well kids, I gotta take Jasper and Daniel to go meet the other campers. See you around!" David said as he pulled Jasper to go and find Daniel.

Max immediately turned to go back into their tent, leaving Nikki and Neil to watch David pulling Jasper by the arm around camp.

"Hey Neil, is something wrong?" Nikki asked, which was quite out of character seeing as she normally didn't really care.

Neil looked at Nikki, somewhat shocked that she even figured something was wrong. "W-Why do you ask?"

"Because you seem a whole lot tenser then ever, especially around Max."

"Well, I'm fine. Just frustrated that we have to deal with two more counselors and two more campers. Okay?"

Nikki seemed a bit skeptical, but she ignored it and decided to believe Neil.

"Okay!" She said, skipping back to the tent.

Neil sighed and followed.

A/N: wow, I finished this in record time. Oh, also, Jasper is alive and a counselor. So. Yeah. Lol, thanks for reading and voting! Hope you like this shitty story so far, cuz I sorta do.

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