Who are these people?

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~Time skip brought to you by I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!~

"Hey, are you okay?" A raccoon asked.

"You...You're a raccoon? You shouldn't be able to talk." I cocked my head on the pillow.

"See!" A blonde guy yelled, popping his head through the door. "Raccoon!"

"Shut up Quill!" It yelled back.

I laughed and tried to get up but was surprised to see my arm in a sling.

"That dealer fractured your bone, you will need to rest it for a while." The raccoon said, placing a paw on my shoulder and slowing my pace.

"Right." I noted. "Where am I then? And who are you people?"

"I'm Rocket, you already met Peter Quill aka Star-Lord, there is also Gamora who tended to you wounds, Groot who carried you here, and also Drax, Mantis, and Kraglin who are out getting supplies and gas." Rocket explained.

I blinked in confusion.

"Oh, yeah, and this is the Milano. It's our ship." He finished.

I looked around and took in my surroundings, kinda shitty but kinda cool at the same time. Wait a ship?!

"Hey can you guys take me home?" I asked, a little too excited.

"You're not Terran?" Rocket asked.

I smiled and lifted the covers to get up.

"No. I'm, well never mind that." I smiled, but I realised that the cold air that was getting to my face wasn't getting to the rest of my body. "Uh, who changed my clothes?"

I looked down to see I was in a red sweater that was clearly too big as it started falling off one of my shoulders and a short black skirt with over the knee green socks.

"Sorry if you look ridiculous by the way. We weren't really prepared for this. The skirt was something we picked up while you were unconscious but the sweater is Peter's and the socks are Mantis's. It was all we had in such a hurry." Rocket laughed and headed out. I followed.

"So how long was I out?" I admired how cute I looked in the mirror as I walked past, the sleeves were too long and the socks were so adorable.

"Not long, about an hour." Peter replied, looking me up and down. "Awww! You are so cute!" He exclaimed, squeezing my cheeks. "Like a little dolly!" I winced as he touched my bruise. 

"Piss off Quill, she's a prostitute." Rocket growled from the table, making something out of whatever the fuck was strewn across it.

"Stripper actually," I laughed. "I have only been doing this whole sleeping-with-people-for-money thing for two weeks. My rent was increased and the club was losing patrons so I needed more money to pay the bills and save up to move to Xandar."

"Look at you! All saving and getting by!" He hit my good arm gently and sat down with Rocket.

"Who covered up my bruises?" I asked, looking at my face and lifting the sweater to see my belly, covered in makeup where the purple marks should be.

"I am Groot." Groot, a walking talking tree came up behind me as I was gandering and I jumped out of my skin.

"He said he did, he didn't like seeing someone as 'charming' as you covered in painful lumps." Peter smiled, grabbing cereal and pouring in milk.

"You did a great job; you can barely see the marks on my cheek at all!" I exclaimed.

"I am Groot."

"He said thanks." Rocket repeated.

"Here." Rocket offered me a piece of toast with jam. "You can eat it in the room you were just in. We will call you if we need to talk."

"Thanks." I took it and entered the room again.

I can't believe I might be going home! Well not home, but what I considered home since I was born there. I might not be Xandarian or Terran but I sure as hell felt at home on those planets. Well okay, maybe not 'home' home but something that I could deal with. I ate my toast in silence as the day went by. What seemed like minutes was actually hours as I heard a grunt as some new voices spoke up.

"Is she awake?" A male voice asked.

"Yes Drax, and I think you guys should introduce yourselves." Peter added. "You know, be polite and all."

"Sure!" I chirpy voice spoke up and ran for the door.

"Hi!" Her antenna lit up as she spoke. "I am Mantis, nice to meet you!"

"I am Drax, you look like you were 'dragged through hell'." He smiled. "That is the right phrase Peter, isn't it?" He turned back to look at Peter.

"Yes but you shouldn't say it to a lady!" Peter practically yelled back.

"Sorry the other two can't introduce themselves yet." Mantis moved inside as Drax went back to join the others at the table. "They are busy, Gamora is as she says 'putting things in their proper places and Kraglin is filling the tank."

"It's okay." I nodded. "Sorry for borrowing your socks."

"No! They look darling on you!" She smiled. "Try and get some rest, we will wake you in the morning."

"Sure." I replied as she closed the door behind her, taking my plate with her.

What a strange day. What strange people. What the heck was tomorrow going to be like. I lay down and looked at the ceiling. These guys could help me live my dream. I could live on Xandar. I wonder if they wanted money? Do they except dollars? I shook my head. These are questions for the morning. I smiled as I drifted off to sleep.

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