Who is my soulmate?

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~Time skip brought to you by get ready for an 800-foot statue of Pac-Man with Skeletor and Heather Locklear...~

I woke up to a fist in my face.

"Ouch!" I winced.

"Oh, right." Kraglin said, pulling his arm away. "Sorry [Y/N]. I'm not used to wakin' up with someone in my hammock."

I smiled to myself as I cuddled into him. Wow I really found him. But now what?

"I h've to get up darlin', getting the last few things for Peter is go- Wow, ya really do feel all my pain, don't ya?" He stared at my face.

I ran my hand over my face, flinching at the touch. The makeup came off and I had a fading black eye that matched his and my purple cheek from last night, that coincidently he had a replica of.

"Yeah I guess I do." I mumbled. "You know, it was hard to cover up the marks you gave me, my job didn't exactly appreciate the blemishes you know."

He chuckled and whispered to me; "Well it's good ya don't work there anymore, I don't think they would've appreciated the new marks ya will be getting."

I blushed heavily and pushed him off the hammock. He landed on the ground with a 'Oomph'.

"What was that for!" He complained.

"You need to take me on that 'real' date you were talking about last night before you make your mark." I chuckled.

"Very well, then that's what I'll do." He smiled and started to get dressed.

I took in his appearance in the daylight. He had quite a fit body and said body was laced with tattoos. He had one behind his ear and a few around his neck and across his chest. Then I noticed it.

"Oh god." I blushed, laying back on the hammock and covering my face with my good arm.

"I didn't think you'd want me so early after yer speech just then." Kraglin laughed, pulling on a vest.

"It's not that." I muttered. "It's the soulmate mark on your bicep."

"What about it?" He removed my arm.

"It say's: 'Ouch! Watch where you're going you fucking prick!' That's so embarrassing! I'm so sorry."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" He laughed. "I have always loved that you were so piss angry. Everyone else I bumped into before you were too scared to say anything as mean as you did."

I smiled. I guess he wasn't going to be the worst soulmate ever. He got fully dressed and kissed my forehead before leaving the room. I took my hand away from my eyes and stared at the ceiling. I wondered about who he was. His attire was that of a Ravager that was for sure, but he didn't run with them. Instead he hung around with a small crew of people who seemed to be misfits of some sort. And all those scars, where did he get them and why where there so many? What a strange man this Kraglin... Kraglin who? I didn't even know his last name.

Knock, knock, knock.

I heard the door creak open.

"Hey [Y/N], is there anything you want while I'm out? I am heading for the supermarket and there isn't much Terran food on the ship." Kraglin scratched the back of his neck.

I chuckled and got off the hammock to face him at the door. "Just some crisps will do. [Y/F/F], if they have them, if not them original will do, I'm not that picky."

"Wow," He smiled, pulling my waist to him. "most of the crew ask for everything under the sun. I think I'm falling for you already." He kissed my cheek and headed out, leaving me dazed in the middle of his room.

It wasn't even midday and he was already making me blush like a maiden! I was a stripper for god sake, and an occasional prostitute! Why was I acting like a fucking virgin for this... this... Urgh! I slapped myself gently and sat back down on the hammock. My whole life had just been flipped upside down over night. All thanks to Mr. Sexy.

Soulmates (Kraglin Obfonteri x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now