Is that Ravager trying to be Romantic?

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~Time skip brought to you by are you like a professional asshole or what?~

I had spent most of the day with the rest of the crew. Kraglin and Peter were out getting what they wanted for the journey, apparently Peter grew up on Earth so he wanted to get a few things.

I helped Mantis and Drax clean up a few rooms, and I worked with Rocket to repair the part of the ship that had been damaged when they landed here. Gamora and I had been working through what my payment should be for the journey to Xandar. However, I started to wonder what I really wanted to do now that I had found my soulmate? Do I still want to live on Xandar? Or is it possible to stay with the crew and with Kraglin? I asked her to leave it with me for now, and that I wiuld tell her my decision tomorrow.

Speaking of Kraglin, he arrived home not too long ago and hasn't come out of his room since. But everyone, especially Groot and Peter has been keeping me distracted so I wasn't to bothered about it.

"I am Groot." Groot said.

"No way! That's three games in a row!" Peter moaned, throwing down his cards. "You have to be cheating!"

I chuckled as I placed mine down on the table. "Maybe Groot is just the best poker player in the galaxy, you don't know."

"Bested by a tree. What a bunch of loosers." Rocket laughed and he walked out from behind Groot.

"A-ha!" Peter pointed to Rocket.

"They were a good band." I mumbled.

"That's how you were winning! Wait what?" He turned to me and looked me up and down. "You know 80's music?"

"Dude, who doesn't?" I smiled.

"No freaking way! I have a music pal!" Peter jumped up and showed me his Zune.

"My god you are old." I chuckled.

"Hey! You're not allowed to call me old when you've started dating someone older than me!" He pouted, handing me the object.

I frowned in confusion.

"I am Groot."

"Yeah Kraglin is pretty old." Rocket confirmed. "He's in his late 30's right?"

"No, so much older." Peter replied. "Late 40's I believe."

I dropped the Zune on the table.

"Hey be careful! That was a present from my dad!" He picked it up and patted it down with anger.

"Yondad." Rocket chuckled.

We all stopped to look at him and he began to laugh. Peter did too. I just cocked my head. They laughed for what seemed like an hour, at least it gave me and Groot time to pack away the game and clean the table. Once they had all calmed down Rocket began to tell me what it was all about.

"Yondu raised Peter since he was eight. He was like a dad to him." Rocket smiled, handing me a photo.

"He was my Hasslehoff." I blinked at Peter, but shrugged it off.

"Right... Well he seems nice enough, that is for a Ravager." I smiled at the photo.

Kraglin was clutching his stomach as Yondu was trying to choke young Peter who had obviously put makeup all over his face. I chuckled, it was as if they were a small dysfunctional family. Yondad, Kragbro, and Peter the PestTM. They handed me another photo.

"This one is a better photo of the guy." Gamora said, bringing up a photo on the virtual whiteboard thingy. He was smiling, Peter and Kraglin were behind him to either side, and a bunch of men wearing Ravager clothes were behind them.

"He looks so happy." Peter said.

"No," They all looked at me. "that's not happiness, it's pride. He's proud of Kraglin, the gang, and you, Peter."

He started to tear up but wiped them away before they could escape.

"Well that's quite enough emotion for you lot today." I jumped as Kraglin appeared behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Well, except for you." He gave me a wink and I blushed deeply.

Fucking space pirate making me feel blush.

"You come with me." He motioned for me to enter his room and I obliged.

I opened the door to be met with a dining experience. There was a tiny table and two seats with covers on them in the centre of the room. There were roses in a vase, two dinners of god knows what, and utensils on the table. There were also rose petals on the floor around the hammock.

I chuckled as I saw the display.

"The 'romance' might be a bit off. Peter was me advisor for what I should do." He scratched the back of his neck and gave me a toothy smile.

"I guess Peter went off what he saw in films and what he heard in music huh?" I chuckled as Kraglin shut the door.

"I swear if that boy-"

"It's fine Kraglin, but do keep in mind I don't particularly like fancy dates. Just something that means a lot and is memorable." I turned back around and walked to the table. "And this is most definitely memorable."

"I'm gonna kill Pete." I heard Kraglin whisper under his breath as he took the seat opposite me. "I asked Mantis and Drax to 'elp me prepare the food, I'm not sure wha' it is but it looks edible." He poked at the 'food' in the bowl and I shuddered.

"So Krag," I distracted him from the food. "I don't really know anything about you other than your name." He looked up at me. "I know you're in your late 40's, and that you are one of the Ravagers, but I know nothing more."

"Well what do you want to know?" He looked at me and began to attempt to get some of the food onto his spoon.

"Well, for starters, what is your last name." I asked, fiddling with the utensils; I really didn't like the look of the food.

"Obfonteri." He said, downing a mouthful of the 'food'.

I laughed as he regretted eating... whatever it was. He grimaced as he swallowed it.

"I take it that it wasn't that edible then Krag?" I mocked, placing my spoon down, never to pick it up again.

"Sure as hell it ain't." He chuckled, practically throwing the spoon into the bowl. "Here." He chucked me a packet of crisps and got himself some. "What else do you want to know?"

What a night this was going to be.


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