MingKit - The Pursuit (5)

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A fanfic, based on the characters in the series 😁.

Friday afternoon
It has only been about 1 and the half days since he last saw Ming but he can't help being worried. The last he really heard from Ming was when he left on Thursday morning for his classes. He hadn't wanted to leave his Nong alone but Ming had been quite insistent.

"It's ok, P. I feel better now after last night's rest. I don't want to take up more of your time. And you have the class test this afternoon." Kit recalled his Nong's persuasion.

But....but what worries him the most is not what his Nong had said...it was more of the way Ming had said it.

"His tone... his behaviour... it was all not him..." thought Kit. "It was like the... the confidence in his voice... it was not there. He actually... he actually sounded... sad."

The messages that he sent to Ming were also replied in only a few words. When Kit messaged Ming to check in with him, the replies he got back was always along the line that he was ok and ended with the words "I am going to rest now, P". Full stop. There were no smart-ass replies... no witty comments at all that he usually got from Ming.

"Kit! What are you thinking about? Why are you in a daze? 😈 Hehehe... Are you thinking about Nong Ming?"

Kit startled out of his daze. He didn't realise that Beam had approached him and was sitting across from him at the table.

"Beam... have you heard anything from Ming? 😶"

"Ai' Kit! I thought you have been looking after him. Shouldn't you know better? 😂"

"It might just be me... but he doesn't seem to be his usual self since the accident 🙁".

"🤔 It might just be that he is in pain and feeling tired due to his injuries... don't worry so much. 😆 Speaking of the devil! Here's your boyfriend now 🤣".

Kit turned around and saw Pha, Yo and Ming walking towards them. While Pha and Yo seems to be all cheerful and glowing, Kit could see the hesitance in Ming... and the way Ming avoided meeting his eyes. The bandage around Ming's head was gone... replaced by a square plaster at the side of his forehead and the bandage around his hand was still there because of the sprain.

"Sawadee krap, P!" Yo and Ming greeted them, Ming with less vigor than Yo. "P'Pha and I are going out to have sushi. Would you like to join us?"

"I will go if it is Pha's treat! 😉 Right Kit? How about it, Pha? Your treat?"

"Yes. Of course. Let's all go now ok, before I take back my offer 😜"

Kit thought that it was a good idea too, to spend some time with Ming and look after him. He tried to catch his Nong's attention, to offer him a ride in his car, but was surprised to hear Ming's reply.

"P'Pha, sorry. But I don't think I will be joining you all. P's, Yo, enjoy yourself ok."

Before anyone could say anything, Ming had turned around and started walking away from the group. Beam was the one to recover first from the shock.

"😲 Shit Kit! You were right! Something's wrong with Ming! The usual him would have taken the opportunity to tease you about going on a dinner date with him."

"Kit, you should go after him 😦." said Pha.

"Yes P. Ming seems to be feeling down lately, even before the accident. Maybe you can talk to him and find out why 😟." urged Yo.

Kit took a moment to look at his friends. Without much thought, he decided to follow his instincts. Hurriedly, he stood up and went after Ming.

- - - - -

As soon as Kit left the group, the boys looked at each other.

"😈 It's all up to Ming now!" Beam said.

And all three of them laughed.

Jeng jeng jeng! Hahaha. The boys are up to something! Looking forward to your positive feedback!

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