Blonde and Bimbo

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A/N: 50+ reads. Thanks for loving my story so far guys. Do you like their dynamic? Let me know what you think, opinions are always welcome. This chapter is going to be full of good and bad feels and just all around very sexy fun. I hope you enjoy! 


We pull up to the club, it's dark and the music is booming. We approach the fron of the line. Girls screaming Roberts name. The bouncer looks at me confused. 

"Oh, right. Andie Wood." I say tapping his clip board. He looked around and found my name, letting us in. Robert was taken a back by this. Like he wasn't worthy. As soon as we stepped in my JAM came on. "Shooting Stars" by Bag Raiders. I also spotted Jade right away, and bounced on over to her. She screamed and approached me, shimmy-ing. Robert and Tommy looked at each other, shrugged and sat at the bar. Jade and I were shouting the lyrics as loud as possible but the crowd still over powered us. We were grinding against each other, beginning to break a sweat. Robert stared. I felt his eyes burn into me. He liked watching us dance together. He's a guy, typical. Very typical. 

"Girl, it has been too long!" I heard Jade yell as she bumps her booty back into me. I giggle and grab her by her arms and whip her around, kissing her forehead and setting her on a barstool. 

"Well? Whip me up some yummy concoction." I say to her with a wink. 

Rob orders himself up 3 shots of southern comfort, Tommy orders 2 shots of patron. The night continues like this. For Rob, he's had 4 shots of SoCo, 2 shots Patron and a huge pint glass of blue moon. I've had 2 mojitos, 3 shots of Goldschlager and a small pint of blue moon. Tommy is at 4 shots of patron, 3 shots of goldschlager and 1 mojito. It was safe to say we weren't exactly capable of many things. I notice Rob on the dancefloor, grinding with some girl. She was blonde, huge tits, tan, and barbie thin. She wore a tight black dress that rode up her thighs as she pointed into his groin. Tall black stiletos that covered her toes and a ton of sparkling jewelery. She was pretty though. And she knew it. She was dancing with Robert Downey fucking Jr. However, I started to notice her kissing him, making out with him viciously. Her eyes kept peeking above him though. I saw little blurs of cameras flashes, my eyesight not at its highest of abilities. But I still noticed. She was getting herself publicity. She pulled away from him, striking a pose. But his dumbass was to oblivious, his face smashing into her tits. He's not going down again. Not in the press. I refuse. 

"Bottle me." I say to Jade as she hands me a bottle of Karkov, the shittiest vodka available on the face of the earth. I take the bottle and walk to the blurriness of flashing lights. 

"Leave Robert alone!" I scream and smash the bottle on the floor. they begin to scatter, continuing to take pictures as they rush around. I grab a couple cameras and smash them as hard as possible to the floor. I wobble slightly then steady myself. I whip off my jacket and throw it to the floor until Tommy grabs tight onto my arm, his words slurring, 

"No, Andie, what are you doing, relax." 

"Tommy, I can't let him get.." I paused for a hiccup, "anymore bad press. Especially not right now with Susan and all." 

Tommy couldn't come up with the right words. He then released me and I walked up to the blonde, tapping her shoulder as she whipped around. She smiled at me, until I punched her square in the nose. 

"Back off." She held her nose, now bleeding and chuckled. 

"Or what?" She asked, tipping her head back. 

"I don't know! Just leave the dude alone!" I beg her. My eyes for some reason started tearing up. Robert grabbed her and grabbed a tissue from his pocket, placing it against her nose. 

"What the fuck Andie?!" He shouted at me, a slight circle beginning to form around us. This wasn't good. I ran into the bathroom, and breathed myself down. Trying to calm myself. I heard the door open and rushed into a stall. I don't want any part of the papparazzi. I see Roberts shoes on the otherside of the door. I groan and unlock the bathroom stall. He steps in and locks the stall behind him. I sit on the toilet and he puts each of his hands on the stall walls. He leans in close to me and growls. Snarling at me. His eyes glaring. 

"Andie. Don't let you're little girl crush get in the way of me living my life." Hell no. I was trying to protect him! HELL TO THE NO! 

I stood up and pushed him into the door. The lock jingled slightly as I did this. 

"Little girl crush?! I'm looking out for a fucking FRIEND! YOU KNOW, YOU!? YOU'RE MY FRIEND ROBERT! AND I'D EXPECT, LITTLE GIRL CRUSH OR NOT THAT I WOULD BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN THAT BLONDE BIMBO!" I shout, our faces so close. It made me shake, how angry he just made me. And also at how close we were. I dropped my arms, they began to tingle. Robert reversed roles, pushing me into the side of the stall now. His hand was placed firmly on my collar bone. His breath trickled down my neck as he pressed his nose against mine. I couldn't stand being this close to him. 

"Protecting me from WHAT?!" Him shouting was almost scary. I got into his face, our lips touching, but not in the way I'd hoped. 

"SHE WAS USING YOU AS BATE! FOR PUBLICITY! BAD PUBLICITY ROB! THE KIND THE PAPARRAZZI FEELS PROUD ABOUT!! I DONT.. I don't.." I began tearing up. His face was suddenly sincere, his anger dropped and only conern pierced his face. He stepped back lightly, holding my chin in his finger tips. 

"What, Andie? You don't what?" He asked, his voice urgent. 

"I don't want to see that happen to you again. You should be left alone." I whisper, a single tear dropping from my right eye. He wipes it with his thumb and puts his hands at each side of me and sighs heavily. 

"Sorry.." He says faintly.

"And thank you." 

"I don't like you like that either, Rob." I say to him. 

Suddenly, this made him angry again. Why?

"Seriously Andie?! You can't sit here and deny that to me! I can tell! You need get rid of those FEELINGS! IT WONT HAPPEN!" He said, removing one hand from the stall wall and running it through his hair. He sniffled slightly and put it back against the stall wall. 

I got close to him again and pushed him away from me. He grabbed me and forced me into the wall, his hands prying into my arms. 

"FUCKING ADMIT IT TO ME ANDIE!" He screams at me. He presses his body into mine and whispers into my ear in a husky voice,

"Admit it to me." I shrink in his arms, cowar almost. My skin getting warmer and warmer. 

"Get off of me." I whisper.


"Yes, Rob."

"No, Andie."

"Robert, please."

"Or...what...Andie?" He asked slowly, his body pressing even harder than before. I felt everything, even his bulge. He wasn't hard even and I could still feel it. I shuttered. His forehead was pressed against mine, his eyes shutting. He took in a deep breath. 

"I might kiss you." I say quietly. 

"No, you won't." He says as he grinds lightly on me. His pelvis riding slowly in between my legs. I feel him grab the small of my back and I gasp.


"Stop." He said to me. I couldn't protest. 

He breathes down my neck, his breath trickling upon my goosebumps. I felt a lump in my throat. I was excited, I was scared, I was turned on and I was sad. What was he doing? He ran his finger tips along side of my neck and felt my goosebumps and smirked, his forehead still pressed to mine. I felt his hand drop to my chest, his fingers pulling down on my v-neck, making my bra visible. He stuck his finger tips into my bra and traced along my nipple. I squirmed and smacked his hand. Robert pulled away. And shrugged, smiling. 

"What the fuck was that?" I ask him.

"Just giving you a reason to hate me." He says as he walks out. 

He teased me. So incredibly. Without even kissing me. He told me I wouldn't get to. But why does he want me to hate him? That only made these feelings worse. FUCK FUCK FUCK. Fucking ROBERT! 

Passive Me, Aggressive You (Robert Downey Jr.)Where stories live. Discover now